No Holidays On Diwali

HI Rasheed, With the current scenario of many call center and BPOs in India, it becomes mandatory for many companies to work during our festivals (as their parent company in US does not have a holiday). Employees who join such firms are well aware of such conditions. They are given off during other times. So, it sort of becomes a leave on the day of the festival, and people who do not want to take leave do work on national holidays. Declaring holidays is a perquisite of the management. We go shopping on the days we have an off at work, what about the people who are working in places where we shop? They are working during the day we have off too. It is just like that. This company is working on Diwali taking into consideration their sales and business. If business is good, the employee profits too...Archana, you as a HR manager think on thos lines. How you put it in front of the employees, motivates or demotivates them. Now how you present it, is left to you. All the best!!
Dear Ms.Archana,
As per the discussion all our seniors suggested the right options, because we should not oppose the management decision so the only option we are having is to encourage the employees in other way i.e., like distributing some diwali gifts and try to arrange some special allowance for that day, so that they will forget the work what they have done on the festival day with in a week or two but the gift will lasts for a longer period.
Raghunath Deepala
Dear Friends
  1. I appreciate the concern of erchana. It sould be one of the qualities of good HR Manager.
  2. Harinder tells that if the employees enjoy holidays, the business will get hit.
  3. Dishasri's view is fair.
  4. Menaka and penubothu have to see lot in life.
If the shop is closed on Sundays also the business will be hit to at least to small level. Are they agreeable to work on those days also for the sake of the company they are working. If so, they have to be appreciated. But who will take care of their family? When they will find time to take their family members - beautiful wife, lovely kids - to temple, movies. Even if you find time to take them, your kids will not come because on all other days they have to do their home work, home test etc., etc.,

The profit earning motive of any company will never get satisfied, even if you work 365*24*7. They have to be like that only. It is their Dharma. Even when they are at office on holidays/diwali day, their family will be well taken care of by providing all the facilities etc., etc.,

But for the employees, is it so? Is it should be so?

I don't think so. If any employee swear that he/she will also be like that, I request them to change their attitude. For the sake of getting good name with your boss's, don't spoil your family life/your freedom.

Be bold. Work hard and sincerely. Don't be slave.

After all you are a worker/employee.

Though I am part of management, out of my 25 years of my experience in various places I am telling this to youngsters.

Best Regards
This topic started for a car dealer's Show room.No need of opening a car show room on National holidays. Because public will not consoder it as auspcious day.
On the other hand, during Diwali, buyers will buy on Diwali day also. It is quite natural in India traditionally. Hence, working on that day and compensating the same with subsequent days with monetary benefit shall not disturb any one. Shouting to shut doors on fesetival days is proeprty of red flag holders. Now this is e-global age. We have to be flexible.
Also, employer should honour his employees and reward them accordingly.
SMS - Dubai
Dear All
Thanks for your suggestion. But the problem is that our management is not ready give any com. off and OT. If any body will take the off 1.5 days salary will be deducted.
Some employees are asking that If we are free for diwali then what is the benefit to take the other day holiday.
We can not celebrate diwali on after two days or so.
Dear All
Thanks for your suggestion. But the problem is that our management is not ready give any and OT. If any body will take the off 1.5 days salary will be deducted.
Some employees are asking that If we are not free on diwali then what is the benefit to take the other day holiday.
We can not celebrate diwali after two days or so.
hai everybody!
iam working in HR Department in one of Diamond question is During festival/ holiday's time, some of employees taking leave with/without prior permission before or after holidays. It leads to huge production loss to Company. What is the solution to overcome this....?
i think rashid is a little confused . can u show me a law that orders holidays on festival days.
the electricity does not get cut off on a festival. there are many people on duty to ensure that.the trains dont stop and there are drivers and guards who are on duty. the cinema theatre is not closed and there are operators and ushers on duty. hospitals are not colsed . drs and nurses are on operation theatre. there are thouseands of soldiers guarding the border on the festival days. we had no sunday no holiday when we manned the borders .be crystal clear if there is work the holiday and festival takes second place . the indore police deserves to be emulated. they work hard on the festival day and after four or five days they have a POLICE DEEPAVALI and enjoy a day off. even the thiefs and crimanals keep the day off so that the police is not disturbed !!!!. so my friend work a lot earn a lot and celebrate deepavali after few days and burst a lot. blessings
dr brigadier v ramanan [IMG] lsLmNvbQ==[/IMG]
Dear All
I am HR Manager in the tata dealership. In our line festivals are the major business time. Nut my management decided not to give any holiday for the whole month of oct not even on diwali , dushera.
All the employees are demotivated due to this circular.
You pls suggest me as a HR manager how should i react.
Hi Rachna !
This is the fact that time peak hours for the marketing business so company not able to provide the holidays on these type of festivals. But if you think that business is our business i m sure you never will be demotivate. Even you are generating revenue for company and own incentive also.
good luck
You should motivate the employees and tell them the real cause of no holiday and try motivate them by saying that now the management is in need of them in future if they need management is also going to help them .
And try to make this diwali a memorable diwali for all of them ,celebrate it with the employees so that they will like coming on this day every year.
Pls revert if like this .
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