Suicide Threat By An Employee

Hi Sam, Im a new member to the HR family. After completing Masters i have joined in this company as HR a few months i happen to read all the posts in this cite especially yours i found all ur answers for the queriers are very much appreciatable and the suggestions are mature. Kudos for all your precious replies and pls do contribute for the new joinees like us. Hope will get to listen more from you. Wishes Suhashini
Hi Sam, Im a new member to the HR family. After completing Masters i have joined in this company as HR a few months back i happen to read all the posts in this cite especially yours i found all ur answers for the queriers are very much appreciatable and the suggestions are mature. Kudos for all your precious replies and pls do contribute for the new joinees like us. Hope will get to listen more from you. Wishes Suhashini
Hey Buddy, Don't worry just dismiss him immediately or within a period of 15 days as your company policy. Did u check his perious history? pls try to check that also as well. 1) Have enough evident to show, 2) Police complain records thats all, its just rarest case as well. Thanks bye Dilip BK
dear, he is blackmailing u nothing else u have done ur job no need to warrying abt that employee.
Dear Roopesh, If the person was seriously thinking about suicide he would not be talking about it. However, one can probe into the reason for his action and he can be given a written warning for the same. Regards Anika Agarwal
Hi It is a misconduct and you can not sack him without conducting an enquiry eventhough he is under probation, Now that you have intimated to police, it has on record that if at all you terminate him it is for misconduct and not for performance.You can not use the normal probationary clause here. You said you have already suspended him. Appoint an external enquiry officer. Conduct an enquiry. Get the findings. If forgery is proved you can sack him I will not advise counselling in this case. From whatever you have described, he seems to be a tough nut to crack I may be wrong. Suicide threat is common and I have faced this several times when we handle forgery theft Misapporopriation cases. You have informed police and that is sufficient Conduct an enquiry If proved guilty sack him Siva
Dear Roopesh, People who want to commit suicide, do it. People who threaten to do so, are indulging in emotional blackmail. In your case, I feel he was just buying time... He has threatened to commit an illegal act (committing suicide is by the way against the law), that should be grounds enough to terminate his employemnt. Hope this helps, Regards, Tresa
Dear roopesh you have taken a sufficiant desission to protect yourside but i suggest you that as a human being you should visit his family and investigate the case and after that you should provide the councelling for his rehebilitation. Thanks Rajbir Yadav
Hi Roopesh, we have had a similar situation in our organization. the employee was stealing and when we found and asked him to leave, he started threatening that he would commit suicide. The management was not scared as we were very clear on such issues. The termination took place with all the legal support and one of his close relative was called to our office and was told about his threat. we kept the whole issue very confidential, as we felt that the other employees should not get influenced with this behaviour and take advantage. The family member was also informed to keep the issue as a secret as dint wanted his family to be affected. Terminating the employee is the right decision , you have taken the right steps already by informing police and his family. handle the situation confidentially but at the same time consider this employee as a human being who deserves medical help. regards Lakshmi
First you should cousel him along with his family, and at the same time take resignation from him, dont complicate simple thing as its not acceptable, its going to be a massege for all.
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