Can Defence Personnel Look For Jobs In Hr - PPS Download

Dear All,
I would say that it is not a new trend and the skills possessed by Armed forces personnel have found many takers in the industry since long time.
The skills of Problem solving, Multi tasking, being meticulous & focused , remaining task oriented and above all team work are generally found in persons from Defence Services background. However, I must append that there are exceptions every where.
With the Defence Services recruiting more in the short service billets; the influx of ex-service persons in the industry has definitely increased.
Best regards,
Now a days defence people not limited one area. As per u r exp in navy it is gud idea to see job in HR field. In fact I am Ex-Navy and working as a HR Manager in one of the Maruti Suziki Dealer. Stick to u r goal and explore u r connections/relations with corporate people.if u have any doubts feel free to mail
best of luck
Dear pankaj,
Most definitely,you as a HR professional would be welcome in any organisation especially because of your defence background. Moreover,you have a HR degree and some experience in similiar areas to top it.Discipline ,hard work,resilience,honesty along with the wealth of experience as a navy person would hold you in good stead.Have no doubts,you will be a good HR pro. :) GOOD LUCK.
Shringarika Srivastava
Hi Pankaj!
There is no no to can. As you already have a diploma in HR and moreover a degree in sociology, it all says for itself. But, after such a long service in Admin. HR may be a problem area. Not aproblem area to perform in it but a real tough task to get into the HR job. If et all you are geting any opening into HR, feel free and enter it without any apprehensions. You will definitely excel.
Andrew Rao
Whatever Lakshmirajan states is totally incorrect. Officers die in civil because of their ego. I have seen many officers as very poor performers because they do not shed their past.
Civil is totally performance based and one who performs succeeds.
No matter what your rank is, if you are the right person for the right job, go for it.
Moreover do not hesitate to ask this community for any help.
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I fully agree with Andrew Rao,
The Rank in Defence service does not matter, If you have an experience academic qualification and passion for work you can definately excell in your field.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We take pride in introducing our firm a unique and only private sector organization exclusively looking after the placement of the retired/retiring defence and paramilitary personnel in the corporate sector. Our Company has already placed many service personnel in the Corporate Sector/PSUs.

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Deepak SAxena
GM (North)
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I have retired from Indian Navy after 21 years of service in Nov 2009. I have completed MBA(HR) from Jamanalal Bajaj Institute Mumbai. Past four months I am continuously trying in corpotrate and various indutries after seeing advertisements in newspaper or through web. I am searching for jobs as HR Manager or HR Generalist. I am still not able to get break in industry.
Is my approach wrong ? Do I need to know anyone from industry to get break ? Can any one guide me how to apply or go ahead. I am really looking forward for all your valuable guidance.
Cdr Vijay Sarathy
Col SR Choudhary
Mr Andrew Rao, I am both dismayed and shocked with your view that " only performer survive in civil and not the army officers". It is clear case of your shockingly poor knowledge about service officers. Indeed shocking. Hope you are aware that in army your performance is reviewed every 90 days by a set of 5 different superior called Initiating Officer, Reviewing Officer, Senior reviewing Office, First Tech Officer and Higher Tech Officer. Only 20 %odd becomes a Colonel. Only 2 % become general and less than .5% become a Chief. Is this showing performance or corp picnic. Your performance are assessed based on how many lives you save and not a few dollars of a contractor or vendor. We undergo extremely strenuous training of 4 years unlike 2 days training in corp sector. Every penny is spent so wisely subject to check by dozens of CDAs reps. I worked for 8 years in two of the best corp sectors. What I saw is people who call themselves knowledgeable come, cause loss and resign and vanish. Org just does not even investigate or lodge FIR.Here you cause a loss in army, , you go home without any adjournment of legalities. I urge you to discuss army live with some one and know the hard reality of performance. Indeed you seem to be clueless about what does performance mean in civil/ corp sector. I may also mention that which will be music to many years like yours that irrespective of the performance or so called PMS, every IPS officer go to attain the rank of IG/ Additional DG and similar way, every IAS office at least becomes Joint Secretary . Sadly both these categories even when superseded, are entitled to draw highest scale of pay and allce which their senior most officer draws.Sadly, in corp CTC invariably gets enhanced ue to proximity and relationship and not actual performance. Nothing personal against you or anyone but just to educate you.
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