Job Hunt - Are These The Reasons?

Hi Dilip,
Thank You so much for the wonderful contribution!! I ENJOYED reading the article and your reply too. It answers so aptly to the questions raised!!! I appreciate this.
Hello geeta,
nice to see the list ,I would like to say taht the number 1
)reason, listed by ur end here is the imp reason for attrition,and offcourse after num 1 reason 9) and 10) are also main concerns.
Hi Geetha,
I personally feel that point # 5 prompts employees to look for a change in job.
"5) No recognition given for your work "
If there is no recognition given to the work performed, any person will get de-moralized and hence difficult to retain the employee(s).
I wud like to add one critical point.
1. Unstructured Performance Management System and Bias in Promotions
People tend to get frustrated and this is real scene I am facing in my day to day task.
Hi Geetha,
The above stated facts really perfects to the given situation. The fact of not been treated well in the org. by colleagues, boss; likely to choose one of the option; is one of the example.
Adding to the list : their could n number of reasons under macro & micro level
like ... Organization politics; sheer compitition; wanted to move ahead quicker; relationship; geographical location; and many more which under circumstance compel you to leave/change/switch or self intention to commit.
The solution (to an extant), rather to say the fact of Interdependence & acceptance of others as they are ----in relation to the job satisfaction & contended life can be arrowed by " change /adjust to the given suitation upto the limit one can go but not compromising on the performance level", and not just by quiting the job (reason 1-7).
Hmmm.. for what all may say reason 1-7 are the most commonly encountered factor and the reasons to quit. for those who may say that one should not compromise on the performance level but all these factor are the reason to perform, should someone in the organisation not acknowledge the fact that you are doing a good work, why are working. In short it means that the work that you are doing isn't what we expect you to do, its not needed ... unwanted....... will you like to work in place which doesn't acknowledge the work.

Why should any one in the world work if the work that is not doing being acknowleged and praised, strokes are the basic need for the person to work & Live so why should onewaste my energy in place which doesn't value me.... one 'll get the money that one get here ne where even a better compensation than what 1 get.

so I belive in todays growing economy it is the factors 1-7 that are more important than 9-10 because of the fact money is what any one can offer for talent, but most organisations face the crunch of identifying the worth of individual and appraise them for being there .
The market in Dubai- especially Construction projects- has made it an employee driven one. It is very surprising to find an employee who will stay more than 18 months with a company. unless, of course , the company refuses to give him/her an NOC ( no objection certificate)
It is also a question of cost of living, Dubai has become increasinly expensive and a company that does not base its salary structure on this fact, will lose its employees
Dear Geetha
I feel that it the behaviour of the boss that plays a crucial role in switching over to other jobs.
If the behaviour of the boss is good and co-operative all others will follow, that is what I feel
A good topic and coincidence at this moment as I am at the receiving end in this matter.

I joined a company last month and am reporting a team of HR at another location.Contrary to "unacceptable of boss" am actually having trouble with finance who has no reason to interfere in HR activities but has a strong influence in the Management.My efforts goes unseen as it is overruled by the Finance person and his harsh treatment to existing staffs creates a negative vibes in the office.

Though this situation is reported to management , it is hot only for the moment and I have becomed silent to avoid problem which is literally brought up to show his power .And my role as HR executive is eventually turning to counselling , collecting payment , feild works.

I am being patient to find out if there is a chance for change , but i get exhausted by this and seriously having a thought to hunt for a job.

The above sounds normal in long time but sometimes will be a hindrance to the purpose.

SALARY has a minimum role in attrition on a wide basis :)


Wat i feel abt this question asked is the "Stability of the team is gone" the team member are not certail as to whats happening around, ppl are afraid that if the team members quit & if you are the only person in the team then the work load will be high etc etc.........
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