Means To Identify Softskills Training

Hi Leo,
Thanks a million for the information and the clarification.
I am now going to attempt the KRA settin for my collegues in the IT department. Hope i would be successful in the same. I will send across some of my reports to you once i have done.
I am also looking at the job evaluation stuff you sent. I have no clue of what a Hay method is of evaluating. however im checking it up on google so no problems.
The matter on Talent retention is useful, however till now i dont think it will be very seful as my organization consist of 10 people however we are expanding massively till june end and then i could us the advice given by you.
The rewards and recognition are great.. i will implement it soon. Will give you updates of everything il be doing as per your advice just to keep you on the same page.
Thanks a lot again Leo for taking time out answering my queries.. You like my mentor..
Thanks.. will email you soon.. bye Diana
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