Termination Letter (misconduct) Doc Download

Kishore Koneti

I like to bring my problem to the forum for good sujetions,

we are a contractors and recently we have taken a out sorcing contract in a governament industry.

We are the 1st contractors to enter into this industry as out sourcing contractors.

Presently there are some existing unions are there and initially they gave us lot of presure to take people whom they recommend and they also offered us some amount for each candidate. But we refuesed Accept becose we don't wanted to spoil our reputation. We are in this field since 1996 and our practices is to take any employee on contract basis with two years bond. In same way we have taken our new Teame as per qualifications and experiance mentioned by the clint in the order. But we never promised or informed our Teame where we are going to place them and before taking them we have informed them that they have to work any where in india at our clients location and there will be transfers as per our requirement.

Every one accepted and joined. Almost since five months things are going smooth and we are paying them as per promised and we are also following all statutory compliance like pf esi.

Now the problem is that the existing unions Are diverting our Teame to their unions and trying create a problem to us.

Kindly sujest me how to handle this situation.


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