What Motivates U?

hey rohini,
the rising sun still motivates u....COOL....i get bored looking at sunset...its the same sun everyday....i never found the big deal in ppl looking at sunsets everyday....i find it OK...no big deal..wen my family goes to mahabaleshwar or some hill station...everyone is fascinated by the sun rise and sunsets...sunrise i understand...coz its rare me finding time to see it...but sunset happens everyday....and everywhere....its not tht i m taking it for granted...but i dont understand the fascination...
Temme rohini, wt is fascinating abt the sun rise???
hey prageetha,
just asking. :) im trying to find the answer myself..
which books do u read tht motivate u?
i love reading quotes...they make me stop and think and smile...
hi nashitha...tht is so sweeet
hey adnan, thanks...
i hope i soon find out wt motivates me...il post soon...
hi kusum
do u teach?
my prof once told me tht teaching is the most satisfying profession.
is it ??
Hi Team,
What motivates me :
My Inner Voice
My Mom
My Boyfriend
My Best Friend
Good Books
Well.......ur right Sonit...its difficult to introspect oneself.....for me it cud be:
Good & Challenging work
Family n Frenz
Happy n Smiling faces.
Energetic & Intelligent people.
Good Food for thought.......
Hey all,
Well like sonit...
Appreciation for my work motivates me immediately
Seeing other people doing sum gr8 wrk , gives me a kick
Reading sum motivational books
i thk if i get all dis i get motivated....
Monika Gaur
Hi !
Appreciation from my seniors
Caring people
Motivators- who motivates me to do the difficult job.
Cooperation as and when needed
and yes ofcourse someone who is very close to our heart say u r really so nice / good human being.
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