Citehr Merchandise - Tshirts, Bags, Stickers Etc - JPG Download

Hi Sunayna,
The images on the front page are from the third party website - which we are no longer using.
Hi joshinand,
Yes, we will definitely keep it under Rs. 500 but we may need to add a postage charge. Ideally it would be about Rs.50 - maybe a little more for international customers.
Hi Pratik,
Thanks for the offer to speak to your friend. I have located a local printer who may be able to help us. This will however take at leasta couple of weeks more as I have to launch the supporter subscription page and organize the city meet survey before this.
Warm regards,
Dear CHR
Merchandise lookz good, Letz get them in colours, in bangalore there are lot of people who do custom clothing... Letz explore that option as well, Bag is Very Attractive.... Good Work
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