ESIC Wage Celling

Suresh Kumar M
Hi All,
What is the positive and Negative for Employer side for in this ESIC Limit increasing .....
Dear Pradeepgsah,
You ask about benefits of ESIC after retirement fro a private concern. I would like to clear you that there is an option in this Act for you. You can enjoy the benefits of ESIC if you are under coverage of esic at the time of retirement. You should contact you Company management or H R Manager he will clear you about it. You can deposit Rs. 120?- only for a year and enjoy your ESIC benefits. There are some conditions under rule 60 and 61 of disablement. So you may cintact your company management or H R Manager.
If you need more help you can feel free to call me.
Arun Tomer
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