Are You Afraid?

Yes, Sunayna, you are right, compared to what?????
Everybody compares with his/her own past / present, isn't it? and this is what possibly should change.
thank you for confirming that
but you know, after posting this, i thought about it, life should be compared to an extent.
i dont really know how to explain this, let me try.
one should try being satisfied (not afraid of being satisfied with whatever they've got) and have a negative attitude about this,resulting to the thougth that things could be worse (would this be a postive attitude or negaive?)
do comment on this bala
Hi Bala,
Hey Bala I thought you are a girl.....Anyways, sorry for the typo....
Tke care
Hi Sunayna,
I think what you are trying to communicate is::
Be satisfied with what you have got and compare how better off you are to a person who has much less.
Yes, Sunayna, this is the right attitude in my opinion and I don't think it is negative thinking or attitude.
Rekha, thanks for correcting!
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