Full And Final Settlement [Thread 446541]

No. Its ok. But to get a good stand in future, you can get it documented in leave policy of your company.
Dear Saswat, Section 79(3) and 79(10) makes it mandatory for encashment of remaining leave in the event the services of a workman comes to an end. There is no statutory provsion for leave encashment while the employee is still in service. Regards
No law/act compel any body to encash leave while in service. But by individual firm's policies if there is a clause then anybody having credit to his leave a/c he can encash. Of course there are MNCs/Indian companies as well whose leave policy itself makes availing leave and encashing part of leave as compulsory as they might think why to allow carry forward leave ? Allow them to exhaust and no pressure is felt in office. A few banks do have compulsory encashment when an employee avails LTA on leave. Generally speaking leave encashment is one's policy centric.
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