Tricky HR Issue.

Raj Kumar Hansdah
Dear Kalpana

Thanks for updating.

It had to end this way - if it was slated for a happy ending.

What i wonder about is : in this whole discussion; there was no display of any EMPATHY - putting oneself into the shoes of that person !!!

It happens often; when there is a "need", experts or star performers are roped in or lured in. Once their utility is over - as in this case when others were trained - they became dispensable.

No wonder, the person felt dejected and dis-illusioned. He came back simply because he had "nowhere to go". Given half-a-chance, he will leave tomorrow. But let us not take it as a ground to mistrust.

RESPECT is something that should form a core value, credo for every company. Instead of feeling jealous of his skills and access to top management; the line managers should have given enough recognition to his contributions - either in formal or informal manner.

HR should be more closely and actively involved in Competency Mapping, Rewards and Recognition, Employee Engagement and providing Growth Opportunities.

This is not to make you feel disappointed, as I think you must have been doing a lot; but sorry to say, I do not see it as a "success for HR" !!

Warm regards.
as a security personnel i am having a different view that he may have pending commitments with the vendors and stack holders
mean this 4 month he may manged those pressure and finally surrender with management .
may be he had stong financial commitments.
as you pointed out initially he requested to management for exemption from the shift so he may counseled by the peer group and joined back.
that counseling may changed him totally
there is no big lesson in this as a MD based company these are all quit normal. Official are just guiding them to take decision on business level and meet legal commitments but in this kind of personal related issue (HE used to update MD directly right) he must consider to maintain his status. Also he empower you to give notice as per your 2nd question.
NA : i am not writting replies frequently . If anything is irretentive to this topic pls ignore
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