Fish Philosophy - PPT Download - Fish Philosphy [Thread 32622]

I got the idea that this is about "fun at work". But why is this called FISH
philosophy?? Can any one clarify.
Renu Handa
Absolutely amazing!!!
I really-really enjoyed it. Please keep posting updates and more on topic.
Please let me know about the origin and the companies who have adopted this philisophy.
Hello There
I agree with every praise has been given to you
you deserve it really
very nice work
I hope that you will be able to provide us more from FISH philiosophy
thank you
Madhu Singh
Hi ,
Its a good presentation. This ppt just provoked a thought in my mind that 'HR tries to keep all at ease at work place but if they will be at ease they may not perform with that dedication as easiness always drags the casuality.
When i was a student i was also gaga about this perticular point of HR but when m actually in workfeild sometimes it feels that there something more to explore.
Give it a thought and share the thoughts
hi man
my name is taashu m also pursuing my MBA it was a mind blowing PPT made by you please do give some suggestions as to fish philosophy so that i could also do my main project on that as my specialisation is HR.My :lol: :lol: mail id is [Login to view]
Dear All,
In continuation to this there is actually a book called FISH by Stephen C Ludin. Its wonderful and a small one with 107 pages. It costs Rs.125/- only. It says its a wonderful way to improve morale and performance of employees.I would suggest all to read it.....Its simply great.
Hi every body i think this presentation is working outside the middle east country i think its great one but how can i apply it in such countries who had the old school of HR
hi friend
it was exelent presntation..........
very good creativity.
plzzzzzzzz do pour in presntation or articles like this.......
its quit inspiring
Ways to implement fish philosophy in your workplace:

Ideas for Applying the "Fish Philosophy"


Joke, joke, joke

Joke with people

Pass around cute jokes - nothing personal or risqué

Say something to make people laugh

Share a joke with a co-worker

Have theme days - have people dress up different

Have office parties - quick lunch, picnics, etc

Ice cream social or other activity

Create a bulletin boards to have fun - any employees can add anything within reason to the board, can be to have fun with someone in company or a national figure or issue, no ridiculing!, no hurtful comments!

Dress up your office or space with fun stuff

Put out toys to play with

Play upbeat music

Squirt guns

Cartoons - Dilbert

Have more fun

Make work fun

Poster's Waldo!, Magic forest

Play with beach balls, balloons, nerf balls, streamers


Say hello to the customer and compliment on how they look (from people that walk in)

Bake goods

Have a candy bowl out at all times

Have little goodies to share

Compliment the one person that looks to be the one having the worst day

Thank people the bring you paper work, calls into your office

Acknowledge accomplishments of another

Find something nice to say to each person (start with at least once a day)

Appreciate what other people do

Make your day by making someone else's

Be nice!

Share with others

Help others

Volunteer time as you have it - that might make someone's day

Be cooperative with coworkers

Make your co-worker's day. Be there for them and listen.

Call someone in another area and say "hello" or call someone in error but comment on how nice they answer the phone and have a smile on your face so they can hear how happy you are.


Smile when you see your co-worker

Smile more

Smile when you pass someone and acknowledge them

Smile at everyone and say hello

Challenge people to smile

Answer the phone with a smile on your face

Share with co-workers 2x

Be friendly and make co-workers laugh

Be friendly with co-workers

Take the time to listen to another person

Be careful not to let your attitude influence your hearing

When you see someone at work sad, go give them a big hug and say they look great today

Make a point to get to know everyone (if you don't already)

Show up for work!


Start each day with a personal positive thought

Come in with an awesome attitude ha ha

Put on a smile - Happy faces work better!

Try to start the day with something good, funny, helpful, etc!

Think happy thoughts

Change attitudes

Be more pleasant to everyone even if you are having a bad day

Choose your attitude or at least be able to recognize that when your attitude is not up to snuff to change it. Thus making others around you feel better about interacting with you.

Have a great attitude

Leave your home stress home

Walk around the building on your break and say hi to everyone you see


This book is all about Fun at work and enjoy work.
Fish markets are tough places to work. Monotony. Handling Dead fishes. Smell.and what creativity one can expect in this monotonous job???
And then this BOOk revealed that even in such a place where there seems to be no room for creativity, people enjoyed work by creating new methods and identifying new ways of enjoying work.
And the author ( and it was an actual real time exp) carries this enthusism to her place of work
Since it started from this Fish market, it is referred to as Fish Philosophy
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