The Stranger.............. Must Read

An appreciation for the post, which create somebody think and comment about it.
There is a common thing. If you get one you have to loose one. Definitely you have to pay something for what you got. So the lesser you receive, the more you get.
L j rajagopalan
lakshmi enterprises
I disagree with the destruction of morals part...Fallacies are human; so are weaknesses. It is the strength (or lack of it) of the human mind that decides the impact of anything on one. A strong mind developed at the right age can go a long way in keeping wrong influences and temptations at bay. I speak from experience; I am 35 years old but with enough experience in these and other human matters due to the specialties of my life... Accept it it is the human who is at fault, not a gadget...what kind of a human are we if we allow a mere gadget produced by another human affect us so intensely...
Find your weaknesses, accept them & change ... AND never allow anything or anyone change or affect you!
Do you think that anti-moral serials like Big Boss, Rakhi Ka Insaaf, et al should be banned for telecasting or this is a traditionalist concept. Pl. tell your honest views on this citing your age. I just want to understand the relationship of age with moral principles or so called traditionalist mindset for some. My age is 40 and I am of view that such serials should be banned.
What is your take
Jatinder Singh
Both the positive and negative things are there with TV, pls try to take the positive things. The world is changing day by day and it will be continuing to change always. New technologies will come to facilitate the human society all over the world.There are so many subjects and things which we can learn from television. This is our choice what thing we want to learn and what should we need.
Roshni R
Even I think.....the same ...Most of the serials should be banned including daily soaps........ as the concept is of re-marriage, having affairs, robbery.etc
Which can affect the minds of young generation........
Getting some one talking to you or entertaining may be tempted one and excietes also . However this excitement kills our life hours toomuch on spending . Alternative is divert attention in social gathering or involving painting or visiting neighbours to understand their life . people has to live with people not with technologies .
Well articulated, Roshni.....well done!!
U have drawn a very true picture of the gory and moribund civilization due to the entry of this guest who started with clean and inspiring portrayal of value system, Hum log and mahabharat, Ramayan..etc and slowly and gradually it assumed eerie dimensions through rakhi ka insaaf and big boss... and it seems that we cant live without it....
oceanic waves
Hi Roshni
As you had posted about stranger is ok.....but sometime it would be very useful for us as whenever we are boring it gives company & also gives knowledge about all the things around us. Every person or thing in this life are having its position somewhere as well as importance.
It s really an important message to forward
Earlier,some of the TV programs were informative and useful for people different age groups,but nowadays everything has changed worse.
Thanks for sharing this
Wow this is really true. it has come to distroy many families and especially the youth.
I would pass it around.
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