Put The Glass Down Pps Download [thread 274189]

Thomas Correa
Nice posting. Keep it up and such postings help stress of your colleagues go down. Thanks really nice one. Keep posting such nice one.
Thanks once again
its really awesome...................................... but not practical upto somehow................ bcoz we all know this......... but still not able to do this........................................dont know y?????????????????????????/
This a really very useful and thought provoking story. .
I liked it a lot and so did the others. you have got amazing response.
pls keep sharing something like this always.
V wil be waiting for stories from you and v wil also try to share something that is usefull to all
Joshua J Vasant
Dear Sureshukla,
Awesome. At the outset I personally took this is for me. Shall pass this article to my colleagues and well wishers.
Being in the training department and listening to the issues of so many employees can easily burden the mind and even soul in some instances. Your presentation was a god reminder to de-stress so that we can be refreshed for the next day...and even for our families after work. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing such a nice stuff with us. It's inspirational and something that depicts the significance of being positive. Moreover, something that changes the way we perceive the negative things of our life.
Thanks for Sharing... It a nice thought & one should adopt such Positive habbits & elvolve as a true Human Being before being a great professional.
Fantastic PPT, its easy to tell PUT DOWN EVERY THING, but when u wake up in the morning the same office & personal matter start troublllling you......
some time which is in our control we can put down,
but some thing contttttttttttttttttttttttttt...........
best regards.,
Nice ppt.......
Its how you look at things and interpret in life . Putting things down in life seems realistically difficult since its the same mind moving around in diff places. Preoccupation of mind with negative thoughts leading to emotional stress can be reduced by virue of positive thinking.
Dear Sureshukla
very nice ppt, I appericiate but my view is not only in our work place put the Glass Down, If we are put the glass down in our socieal life we make our life stressless and enjoyfull.
Harish Shah
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