Salary Break Up [Thread 25851]

Hie Rajat,
I found your posts informative. Can you plz help what all are the heads in a salary structure that are tax free. I am aware of CEA, Conveyance all, medical reimbrsmt.
Which one is the most relevant pay structure in travel industry?
Also throw some more light on the car lease policy that u mentioned...
Dear all,
I need help with monetising Car allowance. Assuming the company allots:
  • Car of net worth Rs.6,00,000
  • Driver allowance = Rs. 3500/month
  • Fuel allowance = Rs. 5000/month
  • Maintenance = Rs. 25000/year
  • Insurance = Rs.30000/year
If I have to calculate teh car allowance for the CTC, how should I go about it?
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