Am I Drawing What I Am Promised For..

Kiran u have done really great job and i appreciate for your patience for explaing everythng in detail. Its really worthful to all the members. Keep sharing such things so that we gain more knowledge.
Hey Great samaira for encouraging peopel to ask questions, no matter how silly that might be for someone...
Hats off to kiran........
Thanks both
Hello All,
Thanks for each and everyone that appreciated me. If we talk about PATIENCE, that is what the KEY for HR professional, right? :)
Mudra, I am glad that my response answered your query.
HMA = Home Maintenance Allowance
CCA = City Compensatory Allowance
Hra = House Rent Allowance
Prof. = Professional Development
LTA = Leave Travel Allowance
Ent. = Entertainment Allowance
Hope this clarifies the confusion
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