Will My Career End After Five Years

my friend's dad started his business at the age of 51.... enough said........
You should consider joining a distance learning or evening course of your choice while you are off job. You may also choose evening LL.B. course of three years duration. MBA plus LL.B. should make a very good career.
-- M C Gupta
MD (Medicine), LL.M.
Practicing advocate
2 February 2010
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hi vineeta, you are unnecessarily worrying.you know I had a teacher who did her second P.G. when she taught me. She did her P.hd when I started working. Later she took tuitions from me and did another P.G. Now after her daughter's marriage she started her new career in the new subject. If you have the will to pursue sky is the limit and nothing can stop you. So stop worrying and enjoy your motherhood now.follow the advice of our friends and update yourself because whether you work or not you should be in touch with your field of work. Iam sure when you restart you will gain your rhythm pretty fast.Just be optimistic
Aparna Deshpande
Dear Vineeta
Please don't get discouraged! I have started career after break for the family and have found a job suitable for me. Since you are MBA HR with experience as others have mentioned you can start freelancing. Advertisement do come for work from home assignments. Try that. But please don't loose confidence. Keep doing something for yourself apart from looking after the family. This will make u happy. Sharing my own experienc. Take care.
Hi Vineeta, There are hordes of examples of both males and females bouncing back in action................after a long break of five to six years..................so no sweat...........just keep yourself updated.... apply all HR principles at home wherever you can......give tips to your hubby in resolving HR issues.....request him to discuss live cases experienced by him....KEEP SMILING and there you are you have all the positive traits of an HR Manger which a HR Head will like to see in his subordinates.....But last but not the least.....currency of knowledge through web search, discussing live issues with your classmates (I am sure you must be in touch.....if not get in touch now...through Facebook, etc).................So CHEERUP........!!!!
Dear Friends,
Even I was facing similar dilemma like Vineeta. Thanks Vineeta for putting this topic across you can find many ladies having similar scenario on home front, so dont worry just cheerup. Last but not the least do not loose faith in urself every thing will be ok. When u start ur career again give importance to profile than money things will start falling in palce.
Nothing stops until u wish, Everything is in ur hands even after break also u can do whatever u want but u should get update yourself regularly.
Hi vineeta,
You being an MBA holder,should know the answer to it, if not what good is an MBA,others can give you all sorts of answers.What matters most is if you can pick up from where you left off.
Hi Vineeta,
Everyone takes breaks, specially women. Nothing to feel ashamed or depressed about. U may feel that others are doing better in the rat race but u know your priorities and at this point what u can can give to your family, no one else can. Your partner may not understand this, but have faith in your self. Everyone has rightly suggested that u keep yourself updated, at the same time this is the perfect opportunity to persue any hobby that u may have sidelined due to the work pressures. It could be painting, gardening, dance, reading, cooking ....anything. If u loose faith in your abilities then the whole world will do so, if u enjoy what u have, u will appreciate your worth.
I am restarting my carrer after 7years. Yes, know that you might have to start from what you get but then if you are commmitted, anything is possible. Only rule is dont get too fussy, be prepared and be positive. In this case there will be many to pull you down, and you will have to stand up for yourself. Remember you are your biggest strength .
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