College Lecturer - College Asking For Original Documents To Release Salary

dear all,
first of all, a big thanks for your advices & your views, i cant tell you how it has boosted my morale! My interview in the college was started only when my each & every certificate was varified my the Principal himself, so the verification works has already been done, & if they wanted it for this perpose i have never said no or shown any type of reluctancy for that, coz even i understand its importance, but they want to keep it, & as far as my views are concerned, i consider my documents to be my personal asset & dont wish submit them, but i'm thinking of seeking prosecution.
hello friend!
there can not be any provision for submitting original documents in lieu of services.these testimonials are our life's treasure. they cannot be given away to anyone for keeps. i'm also as a lecturer in MBA.nobody asked me to submitt my documents.dont give them
Never submit your original markscard any where, so better speak with your dean and ask y they need .
Please note that some companies follow this practice, but their is a wise way/alternative.. U can submit the certificates (as you need to work) and ask them for a receipt of same. Also ask them to give you appointment letter or a minimum notice period. So whenever you go for any other interview you can show photo copies of certificates and show the receipt given by your college and if you get selected, give notice to present, collect certificates and leave.
By this way you will get salary in time and their is not much risk. Dont take legal action as it is lengthy and not worth. Please give feedback.
Management Professionals

Though every employer has got the right to verify the qualifications and work experience mentioned by the employee in his CV and at the time of interview, the employer does not have the right to keep the supporting documents in its custody without sufficient reasons or grounds for doing so and also beyond sufficient time frame. At the most the college in your case should have returned the same after physically verifying the certificates or after verifying them with the issuing authorities.

You need to discuss your concern as mentioned above first with the management and if that fails you can take take in writing the reasons from your college for not releasing your salary which is rightfully due to you and contact your nearest Labour Commissioner office with your compaint which will initiate action against the college under various labour laws. But of course be on the look out for a new job as unfortunately in India such unprofessional employers would make it difficult for employees like you to work there further.
Well it is not a mandatory to give your original certificates however, many colleges do practice this as they want a suriety that you wont leave them in the middle of the term without giving prior notice. Its just a safe guard practice not enforceable by law.
Certainly it is not fair for an employer to hold original certificates of employees. But in your case, being an employee of a University/ Educational Institution you have to go through if there is any provision in the Service Rules which allows the Departmental Head to hold certificates of Faculty Members. Do not mix up the Labour Acts with that of University Act and Rules made thereunder. You are bound not by Labour Acts but by the Service Rules of your University. To my understanding, a Faculty member is not an employee under ID Act and similar Labour Laws and the employer, viz, the University will not fall under the definition of Industry. Correct me if wrong.
rani agrawal
hi, i am facing the same problem. i also have not got my appointment letter..even my college is asking me to submit my orignal has been three months that i hv nt got my salary.what i would suggest you is that if you are sure that you are going to stay there for a couple of years ,then you can submit ,otherwise just walk out from there coz there is no other alternative....
Just ask them if they are ready to a reciept of the original documents or sign on the photocopy by the principal or Dean. If the Principal or dean is ready sign and stamp then you may submit the original.
Make coloured photocopy and keep with you before you sumit the original. or do a coloured scanning and store some where SAFE.
The college is not authorized to keep the original but for the sake of surity sometimes they need to keep the original.
In the mean time if you feel that you should change your job then, the photocopies may work for a long time and in the mean time you may collect back the original from the present employer.
Best regards
Nadeem Arshad
Dear all,
No education institute can ask for the orginal certificates of any employee its unethical.
If you are working with a pvt. education institute then also.
1. You can speak to the management and tell them your dis-interest to submit the original certificates, if the management still tell you to submit then you can approach the govt authority from where the pvt institute got there approval it can be either UGC or AICTE.
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