I Have Received A Legal Notice From My Prior Organization

hey naveen... don't worry as nothing can happen... no comapny can take a legal action on you when you are not well, ( as you have mentioned that your friend told that you met with an accident). so Chill Dude;.............
Yes 100% true Asha.... till the victim(?) here got a legal notice from the company, he might be telling all and sundry that how he fooled the HR people and when he got a stinker he is asking for help from HR community....very smart. I really astonished to read some of the advises given by senior members...please dont encourage this kind of actions which is detrimental to personal departments as a whole. Atleast remind him what his mistakes are before telling him "dont give a damn"
While i agree with Asha over her points... I doubt wether the employer would be hardy enough to pursue this case in legal terms.
My advice:
1. Sit tight - nothing could possibly happen.
2. If the company sends you a show cause - then it becomes serious. Hire a lawyer
3. Declare bankruptcy (Use a lawyer for this process - initiate immediately)
4. Sit back and enjoy the mess you have created.
5. Dont do this again.
Ash Mathew
Dear Trinity,

I am not strong with law..but have a little knowledge over it.

3. Declare bankruptcy (Use a lawyer for this process - initiate immediately)

If he does so - wont the bank / financial activities over the last few months be checked and routed?
Wont his accomodation (whether rented / own ) be checked?
Wont his assets be checked? (they will definitely see all possibilities of him pledging it)
Wont his so called "fake accident" be checked to see if that accident has caused him lose anything physically, that he will NEVER be able to work again?

Law is not all that stupid that we can play with - how abt a dumb story like: Ok this guy meets with an accident, he feels he cant work, and he does not take an effort from his end to inform company abt it (when u can play the fool, company can play on truth), and finally he is bankrupted!!! Bummmm!
wat a story!


Do you know one thing? The more you create such fake proofs, when discovered - you will not only pay the company your notice period pay, but also face legal consequences for submitting fake proofs and trying to raise a case on "bankruptcy" - so...think.

For one lie - dont tell another 100 lies!

Try talking to the company and compromising it. If you think you can go legal - trust me, truth wins forever. If not this time, some day you will have to pay for it.

Be an example - good example.

VERY Unprofessional............
I PRAY the company may not do anything further, becoz 50,000 is not a small amount to pay.
You should know how much the company is spending during interview and your training.
But there are so many mistakes from your side, Hiding your exact qualification, no proper communication regarding your resignation(So one day my friend informed my senior that i would not be able to come office because i had met an accident), One month leave on Probation(Which will not be acceptable by any company unless you really met an accident).
And lastly changing number(If you changed intentionally) shows the attitude.
Now you got a lesson, so never ever do this mistake.
Dear Colleagues:
Here I share the view of colleague Ash Mathew. Mr Singh has wronged the company in more ways than one. I wonder, why the members of this Community should think of helping a wrong doer? If a member of this community is wronged, then it is definityely a different matter. On the other hand, if a member has wronged anyone else, should we still think of rescuing him from the consquences he has created for himself. Should we not have some self imposed standards?
In my opinion, this is not a trade union; but rather a professional community whose conduct should inspire the confidence of the Managements, Trade, Governemnt and other sections of society.
More than anything else, we should build this profession on some basic ethics and code of conduct for all members of this community.
I welcome views of our colleagues.
R Sundararajan
Dear Naveen
U hadnt mention whether u signed any bond non judicial or judicial,in non judicial u no need to worry,u're not at all bound wd company
Dakshina murty
Do not worry too much about it . Company's case will not stand to win. Keep queit . Only issue like our collegue is mentioning that in case of another job, if they check the antecedents, then you have an issue but surely do not worry about it .
B.Dakshina murty
Balaji Kuppuswamy
It has been given to understand from the previous lines of the member who is in this tragedy and having been admitted that he has done a mistake and seeking for help, there is no point in discussing the acts like a Court or a Tribunal.

A suggestion or help is being asked to get himself relieved from the mistake being committed. Think of the situation, he is being asked to pay Rs 50,000 which is not a small amount.

So, it is better not to make him more panic, and point various law points favourable for employer, its a request to give suggestions to the member, not to the employer, if i m right.

Secondly, the member need not have to worry at all even a strong point is there, as he has not resigned or informed of his unwillingness towards continuing the job, its the company who terminated the service, SO NOTHING TO WORRY, AND IT IS SUGGESTED NOT TO PAY THE AMOUNT.

If continues, can be taken to the courts of law.



Members are requested to please suggest considering the criticality of the situation, and don't give suggestions like a Division Bench!

dont worry nothing is going to happen. sit back & relax. when super moderators and all others have replied in your favour a few handful members of this cite hr have replied otherwise in favour of employer coz they want to prove that they are best in judging the situations based on given facts. Let them feel happy.
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