Stream Of Screams..........
That is not fair Malini, If u dont want to share the weight and want to escape.... then we can not force... but it is not a friendship... :)
only sharing can make it lighter....
What in the heavens made u think that we don't want your help. without u things can not be squared up....
I mean it needs four to make a square... :) :) :)
Square up come its an traingle na.......:icon6::icon6:...i dont want to escape am always with u people...........chatting
Triangle..... how come...
don't understood.... One side not sharing weight and making triangle other side... How...
Well said Chitra... Jayant is welcomed
better we make a circle so we can accomodate other friends too.... :icon1:
who ur fairy...........ha hahaaaaaaaa......naam nahi bathaya lekin he wants her to be at rejected
Okey then... no issue.. let her be standing out of circle... if u dont want... what can be done... she will get angry on me... I'll handle.... what to do... :)
All right, so let's make a circle.. :)
First u make the circle then no need of invitation we ourself will come to help our friend
Ok Malini.... That's my circle....
and Please joint to unite and feeling of togetherness... help will automatically there...
<image no longer exists>
beautiful..manoj ...and U reserved the place for ur fairy (with name not yet told to us:icon7:) at the center ...hmm
Yes....!!!! that's the spirit... and see the Malini... trying to escape.. :icon6::icon6::icon6:
Malini... Hima has joined circle... now where r others.......
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