Face Memory Test - Interesting

Your Score
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 87%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 21 photo(s). Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 100%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 21 photo(s) to the correct part.
Your Score
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 100%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 24 photo(s). Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )

Your score: 95%

Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 23 photo(s) to the correct part.
Thanks & Regards
Your Score
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 95%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 23 photo(s). Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 69%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 16 photo(s) to the correct part.
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 95%
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 91%
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 91%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 22 photo(s). Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 90%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 20 photo(s) to the correct part.
Hi Arun
Yes its really interesting
Neha Unnithan
Very interesting link given below, please try at leisure.
BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Face Memory Test
Please share the result.
I have done it and Recognition score is 95% and Temporal Memory Score is 85%
Happy weekend
Thanks & Regards
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