Relieving Of Employee

Hi Ann,
As far as your query, in this world of competition you cannot simply force anyone to stay in your respective organization. You may take your example as well; say if you get a better opportunity then, you too would have moved out. I think this is very much natural in today's scenario. That's why, for we HR persons, it's very tough to retain the talent in our organizations.
You may however, talk to the respective employee as well as his immediate senior and try to find out the root cause as to what compelled him to resign, may be that might help you also. If it's due to some personal reasons, you simply cannot help but if it's in monetary terms (or any other facilities being provided) then, I advice you to talk to your management about this. If they can offer the same to him, he might give it a thought.
All the best !!!
Dear Sreekanth,
Most of the companies is getting 3months notice period. But you are HR person and handling both side very careful.
Normally 30 to 45 days notice period is correct. 3 months not applicable for taking legal action. Same time he worked / served the current company some years / months.
Releving is employee own desision with normal notice period. If not give notice period, the current employee also go to negative mood and if deducted salary its' bad name to company.
You updated to yoru mgmt for normal notice period / that emplyee working level and releve it smoothly.
Best Regards,
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