Confirmation Letter - Pdf Download

Shabbir Ahmed
There is no standard format for evaluation for confirming an employee. You may use the same appriasal form which you are using for assessment of performance of a permamnent employee. Genearlly the evaluation form contains

i. Quality of work out put

ii. Quantity of workout put

iii. Timeliness

iv. Cost saving and consciousness

v. Punctaulity

vi. Commitment

vii. Acheivement of assigned task/objetives/targets

viii. Relation with seniors/peers/ subordinates

ix. Interpersonal relation

x. Adoptability/fitness to the Co. Rules/culture/values

On these parameters you may assess that the probationer is suitable for confirmation or not. If his attitude towards work is not good he may be dispensed with during probation and if his attitude is good but is poor on performance, he may be given chance to improve his performance by giving 03 months or another three months of extension and even then he fails to deliver he may be dispensed with..

Hope this will give you a fair idea about evaluation of a candidate during and on completion of his probation.

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