What Should HR Do When A Manager Badmouths The Company Online?

Adv. Pragmatic
Matter is indeed serious and the manager should definitely be called to explain the reason for feeling so. If the reasons are found realistic, corrective measures should be adopted to take care of other employees.
This is an integrity issue. Organisation nowadays have very low tolerance with regards to Integrity.
This manager should be marched to his manager and given warning to stop bad mouthing about the organisation.
If it persists, then take action as per the company policy.
More than the Manager, it is the Management which should look under its collars for letting such an environment develop around where people are dissatisfied and demotivated. Instead of reprimanding that manager, it would be wise for the Management to take such incidents as feedback for improving its own systems and policies.
But, from the management's point of view, if we look at this incident then surely the manager should have been more responsible in venting out his frustration. After all, he is earning his bread and butter by working(?) in this organisation and he ought to be thankful to the management at least for this cause. And if he is so frustrated then he should have the guts to move out of this company.
Maybe you must call the employee for a meeting, show him the offensive content and ask him "Please let us know what is bothering you in this organisation, so that we could work towards solving the problem"
Also ask him that "Why did you feel that publishing such as thing on the internet would help him, instead of approaching the HR/Mgmt - we would have tried our best to help you"
If hes a normal human being, this will make him feel guility.
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