Pls Advice Seniors....its A Misconduct..... - DOC Download

Dear Nancy,
I wanna knw, whn u have implemented this process? If it is more than 3 months, the people who is not following the process are doin purposefully. In such case u have to keep a check! Nancy, u hav to take sm serious action, such tat it sud affect in terms of money."Discipline comes by two means, one by self respect/ interest and the other by severe punishment". Keep rockin....
Sir Sardhar is completely rite....
You need to take strict action against those employees..
Also you can provide attendance incentives..
If there is a system in place employees should respect & follow it. Please don't give them any alternatives.
Deduct their salary & they will never repeat this mistake.
i feel these attendance softwares are in fact developed to get hold of late comers and employees who try to sneak in without notice . See , change in any form is always resisted , it will take some time but with consistent effort from HR we can straemline all wrong practices in the company . if repeated oral , verbal reminders fail a sure shot remedy is to deduct the days salary but only after such information is passed in the organisation . we know when it comes to our pay we will do all to save n earn it
cut the amt from their payment for the days they are not marked.... they may not repeat the same again then.....
I fully concur with M. Peer Mohamed Sardhar. I too has faced this issue but after sufficient warning & advices, we marked them absent while processing salary & informed them accordingly , but on their request has not effected deductions . Thereafter all are religiously marking their attendance without any cause of complaint .
People who says i forget to do this after reminder is not only a liar. They get fear of being disciplined and punctual.
Dear Nancy,
I suggest to prepare detail report of the employee who are not swiping and hold a meeting with all the manager and superiors, take their valuable suggestions. Put ball in thier court to bring down the situation......
Johncy Selvarani
Instead of you entering their attendance manually, ask them to enter their own attendance manually if they fail to use the finger print machine. Once they realize the difficulty in doing that, their attitude and behaviour will change i hope. If they are held accountable for their own actions, i think they will be more careful with their actions.
Dear Nancy,
You can the restrict/exit the entry by a magnetic control door. Its quite common now a days. It gives the perfect solution for the problem. Unless you swipe/give finger print, the door will not be opened. So it ensures that all are swiping (let it be bio-metric or which ever type, this can be implemented). And ofcourse, it is cost effective and will reduce the redundancy too.
Hope this will be of use.
Process their salaries only based on their finger print attendance, when it comes to money ALL will LEARN.
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