DO You Think Compromise Is The Only Solution??????

Hiten Parekh
Hi Sari !
I can very easily ampathise with you because we face the same problem. I am from Pharmaceutical industry and not IT. But the reality remains same.
Infact, it is a vicious circle. Since we dont have good name, we cant attract good people. We bring in freshers, train them for a year or so, they get poached by biggies. Since we dont have experienced people, we remain low in training and development aspects. Experienced people dont get attracted to us.....
Demand- supply mismatch is hurting very badly to small firms like us. While I have had many people joining me in crying, no concrete solution is there. We just keep on looking for people whereever and whenever possible. We train them despite the fear that they will go away at any moment.
I dont call it compromise, I consider it a business condition which we cant infulence much immediately.
Your views please.
- Hiten
Dear friends (love bird..)
I dint mean we are not ready to pay, we would pay market standards for example a candidate drawing 5-5.5LPA, we would pay 7.2to 7.5LPA for the right candidate,but they are demanding 8.4 to 9.6LPA, which is a huge jump, we cannot pay so much......infact we have compromised to an extent on the experience..but donot want to compromise on the comms skills........any suggestions on this??????
Thanks Hiten for your reply...
well said about the demand and supply, and the situations we are facing dear friend, but the other problem associated with this is even if we hire a competent employee with a high salary, the rest of the team only tries to compare the salary, and create a negative environment, making the situation even worst, and you cannot give hikes to everyone nor replace them.
If small companies tries to invest on manpower as per market standards there is no guaranty on the returns, and it can survive only to an extent...
Nidhi Sahni
Dear Sari,
At times you may have to compromise..
Rate factors as per importance.
Train the hired staff if would be a one time cost; and employees would feel good too...
I told you need to wait till u get a candidate who is interested in any other feature , component of the Job apart from PAY.
You need to wait , Sari dear, have patience.
Thanks Nidhi it is definitely a good idea, but the existing staff though are good at tech skills to an extent after training, they lack softskills (most of them are references and are brought in from remote areas) but we also are training on softskills from quite sometime, but would take time.
Thanks Love bird, will wait :roll: but donot want to compromise this time 8)
Dear friends, now that we are sure to compromise,
Among the following which one do you think we can compromise for a quality hiring..
skill set
communication skills
salary above mkt stds
Hiten Parekh
Hi Sari !
I feel you can compromise on the first parameter - expreience.
My opinion is subject to my practical understanding of work 'experience' whereby I consider it as number of years, number of assignments and number of encountering situations.
Compromising on skill set, soft skills and salary is again entering into the vicious cycle.
One more thing I would like to share is that soft skills are becoming scarce these days. There is superficialness in softskills these days and not genuineess in communication and leadership skill people possess these days. These are my views and based on experience I have had.
- Hiten
Thank you Hiten for sharing your ideas, views and valuable time, would def work on it, sounds very reasonable. :) :)
Yes as you said soft skills has become a matter of concern, tough to judge in the first instance.
Amith R Murthy
Dear Sari,
I think you have got the answer now. Yes Compromise is the only solution according to me but you will be left with the option of selecting on which you will compromise obviously not on salary because you will be sure that the employee will not stay back for long time. And even not on skill set to larger extent as hiten as mentioned.
So you can always compromise on experience. Hope now you have better idea about how you can go with this problem.
Thanks to all of our friends to share your thoughts on a useful topic posted by Sari.
Amith R.
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