Procedure to start own recruitment consultancy - I want to operate from my residence

well we are in this busines since last 3 yrs and making business partner now in pan india if u laos want to start along us pls call 9716224444 investment is minimum 5000 and maximum 15000
saurabh khanna
Hi Smita,

This business is becoming very popular now days BUT you need a lot patience , however initial 6 months would be a challenge for you.

Plan your financial budgets & go for a pilot run for initial 6 months. It’s not mandatory to get business but potential business (do able) from clients.


Prepare your outlook & analyse your business plans.


Select a name of your company (make sure it’s not starting with an individual name)

Now access this link & check your company name whether it’s available or not MCA21  : Check Company or LLP Name


Once company name is selected, start as proprietorship firm (its required Service Tax number after a gross billing of Rs.10 lacs plus). I think a CA can explain u better as it’s a long process and I can’t explain here ;)

You’ll able to decide your future after a year (ROI). If everything works fine, then increase your support staff (recruiters) & cover your local territory first (this will reduce your cost as well).


Now it’s time to think about registration of your firm as Pvt.Ltd.

You would be require a lot of formalities like

DIN Number (The concept of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been introduced for the first time with the insertion of Sections 266A to 266G of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. As such, all the existing and intending Directors have to obtain DIN within the prescribed time-frame as notified.)

Company registration/ Memorandum of Association, Service Tax Number, PAN Number etc etc

I have a lot of stuff to share with you but its difficult to put all together on website, better you get in touch with me on my chat ID [Login to view]


Deepak Kapoor

09891709730 (New Delhi)
If uwant to start intially with less investment not more then 50000 then contact us . mail me yr profiile
Dear Sir,
i have also started home based work,so i want to know about the payment procedure with the company,can you provide me the format (agreement between consultancy and company),or any other formality for this issue.
Waiting your response
Thanks & Regards
Check out this CiteHR thread: <link no longer exists - removed>
you require following documents -
Shop Act License which you will take from corporation
Service Tax number which registered as Man Power Recruitment business
Bank account & your pan card.....
Best of luck..............
I am planning to start recruitment in my home but I don't know how to gain good clients.Can anybody help me how to get good clients (If i placed a candidate the company has to pay for my service) I don't like to get it from candidates
Hi All,
The advise given are good and logical. I am in the process of starting the same and would like to know a few tips on how to approach a company to place my candidate on their hot spots.
I am working from home and have registered too. I am operating from Nigeria.
Mrs Dutta
Resp Sir,
Tanks for the advise. Appreciate if you could tip on how to approach companies to place candidates.
Mrs Dutta
Dutta S
Dear Mrs Dutta,
Feel free to communicate me or mail me your mail details would like to get in touchbase as we are also in recruitment business for overseas.
Looking forward towards a successful business relationship with your organisation.
S Dutta.
+91 09405951307
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