Increment After Resignation?

Dear Biju,
For the outgoing employees had worked in April and resigned after giving prior notice. It's shows he follow the regulation that's set up by your organization. so he is also liable to get benifit including the month of notice period.
Kumar Malay Kishor
I to agree with pon that n consideration for increment of outgoing employee in many organization if you & your organisation willing to do so it will be a good HR practice.
thanks & best regards,
sumit Kumar saxena,
9899669071, 0120-4131277
Madan Salgaunker
He is eligible to yly. increment as per the terms of employment, service condtions of the Company!
It will unfair if he is not given his yly increment when others got the yly increment on April 01,
Moreover, if there is a policy of yly increment in April every yr. he must get the increment before his retirement, else it will be unfair labour practice, and he will get relief if he raises a dispute!
Madan Salgaunker
if it is not to much benifital to him / her or the company (Depend upon the quantum of increment or employee's services), we can aviod to do extra work while person is on notice period.
Dear Biju,
Norms are norms and rule is rule. You cannot consider some thing based on being in GOOD BOOK and BAD BOOK.
Take guidance from jnjorio.
K Ranga Raju
Dear All
This is a good point for discussion.
Most of the companies are not sanctioning any type of increment once the employee submits resignation. We are also practing the same.
In my perception, if we sanction increment to the outgoing employee, other employees will not feel good.
Hello [Login to view],
I am NOT quite sure I agree with your view:"Norms are norms and rule is rule".
It's after all WE who made the rules. And when there's something noticed which can make a POSITIVE difference for all concerned, there's nothing wrong in modifying/changing those rules. How many times was the Constitution of India not changed/modified since 1950? Quite a few times-- though not sure of the EXACT number.
Also, I didn't quite understand your line:"Take guidance from jnjorio".
Pl elaborate it.
As far as I know, he is a member of CiteHR & lives & works in a Govt Dept in Kenya. Not that the HR problems in Kenya are any different or his caliber is anyway inferior, but I was just curious to know your reason for the 'very specific' reason for suggesting 'only' him.
Dear Biju,
Greeting of the day!!
I am too agree with Ms.Archna.
Kindly take her advise if possible.
With regards,
Sameer K Ghosh
Dear all,
Giving Increment is good practice but not legally necessary. Thus before taking these kind of decisions involve the management and try to form a policy on these matters. I will suggest for Archnas views on it. Long Terms gains are much better that small time losses in these cases.
Manish Gupta
dear Mr.biju
archna is right, the resigned employee have the rights to get the increment.
telecommunication manager
MIOT Hospitals
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