Appearence At Work - Pdf Download

hi all wonderful pepole,
Thanks a million to all, for appreciating my small contribution 2 dis site. I wil keep sharing such informative stuffs whenever i will find such kind of resources in order 2 communicate wit u all nice frnds.
thanxs again 4 appreciating nd God bless u all wit colourful surprises in ur life.
Regards nd luv,
Susanta Saha.
Hi Sushanta,
The article is nformative, though I feel it could be more effective if it was i point form, brief. Its difficult reading long paras and I ended up glancing the main points.
Keep up the god work.:lol:
Hi Susanta,
I am working in software company as HR,could you please tell me how to get good candidates faster as we in the need of some urgent programmers,we are trying our best like using job portals,but its not up to mark.
Great Work Susanta,
I think, very few young people, understand the importance of professional appearance. I feel somehow it is not their fault. The yuppy culture carry on from their schools to colleges and then to work. Dressed up for work in casuals seems to be the "IN" thing. Most employers suprisingly allow this as a part of their "Open Culture". With the so called boom in BPOs and Software firms this problem is further degraded. Now only probably well known sales professionals care about a little for dressing up real professionally and that too many see it more of a botheration. Anyways I can go on and on with this. I guess all I wanted to say is a thank you. Will forward this attachment to like minded people. Regards
I went through the documentand it is very informative. It will be well suited to the ones who are newly joined to any company and helps them to grew with good basics. I suggest u to keep on posting with some more information like this.
All the Best.
I have read all the comments and gone through the attachments. Yes I agree the attachments are very a western environment. Majority of our women workforce dress in Indian style most of the time, i.e Sarees, Salwar suits, Churidhars. The attachments speak nothing about this. We need to look more on how we can groom ourselves in the Indian way. Is there anyone who can contribute more in this area?
Hi Sushant,
the way one carries himself/herself really makes or breakes in any situation and the article shared if followed religiously can lead to great success..
hey susanta,
thaks for the pdf file..i have just downloaded it and m sure its useful coz one really needs to know that the way a person dresses up is also a kind of communication way...and awrong communication can lead to danger..
nwyaz sure will go thru it...
thanku agian
kip smiling..
this is a good ppt , also which wardrobe suites wht designation would be also helpful pertaining to Indian ways .
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