Worst experience of Citehr.... Chat request from member

Hi urvashi,
Thanx for sharing your bad experience with us instead of hiding it. I appreciate your guts to put this matter infront all of us. whoever that coward is must be feeling ashamed.
Anyways hope u get a good job.
Hi Urvashi !!
Sorry to hear about it.
This is such a wonderful site, report this to administrator so we can prevent this site to become another orkut.
this happened with me as well not on the gmail id but i started recieving some non sense mail in my cite hr inbox onlly and i started avoiding this........ but i am realy soory to hear this... take care and do not give ur ids to any body and not even your numbers...
I would also suggest that i personlly feel.... whenever we are sending the cv toany unknon id pleeeese try and avoid writing your NAME, PHONE NUMBER(atleast not your own number but your brother's or father's number).. only give your mail id and whatever the consultant or anybody feels like communicating could do the same over the mails... I think its not being coward but being more precautionary so that the positive energy which we carry the whole day should not be wasted in nonsense and unwanted things.
Hi Urvashi,
You should not leave him that much easily atleast complaint against him to administrator n it will be lesson for others.
Pragya Singh
You wuld always find one fox among 1000 of herds, so take it lightly as an experience and continue to do your good job. Site is exceptional one these days even in many companies these things are happening and finally they call it corporate culture. So take it sportively anld allow your good thinking and not to spoil from these small ticklings.
I feel sorry for you. But I dont understand why are u thinkng about protecting the guy? If u wish to disclose his info pls go forward. I suggest you kindly take strict action against it. It will be a lesson for others also.
dharmendra kumar sharma
just put his name ahead of site administrator.....
Remember dear citehr member that you are an indian girl belonging to a nation where Rani Laxmi Bai and today's Indira Nooyi belongs too.......
Never tolerate a bad response.......just be ready to reply such stupid peoples,not only here or anywhere.........
Be active and energetic to fight such miscreants
tk care
Hi Urvashi,
Report to CiteHR, this is very un professional and bad behaviour. Let him be deleted from CiteHR.
Dear friends request you not to publish your personal contact information in public forums, to avoid such sour experiences.
Sangita Jain
Hi Urvashi,

It doesn't make sense to hide his name among we all friends.. By, doing this, you can warn the so many lady victims..(who presently, is doing same thing with other lady professionals..). Because, the so called gentleman, who is doing this, is surely reading everything.. And, he's smart enough to give his fake identity or back-ground..(If you have official id, then that's the best..)
You even sent your profile with all your details??).. ; as long as you are not giving FIR with Cyber Cell.. his career will not be ruined.

I really feel very bad for you as I am from Chennai and that too from HR..(always feel proud for a lady's security, even during wee hours..).

Few of the black-sheep in the lot are always

I just would like to advice few points to all the lady employees to take care of few things always (especially, the ones who are staying in hostels/PGs/different location, other than home-town):

1. Never give the full address and contact details blindly to a group, whose members are not even your acquaintances..

2. Mail your CVs only to corporate ids only like (direct company/consultant/jobs postings..)

3. Avoid blindly sending profile even without the knowledge of vacancy..

4. Just give a brief of your experience like (4-5 yrs. of exp. in HR with IT/ITES or BPOs and presently working as Asst. Mgr-Recruitments; etc.,) then, later you can send the CV..

5. People will start copying your skill-sets or JDs/Responsibilities to their CVs..Not, everyone can write good resumes.. So, they just visit the net-cafe, try to read almost all the saved resumes in that system and create their own with copy, paste and editing..So, please delete your CVs or any other details like online stmts.CC stmts. etc., before logging off..

Last, but not the least; PLEASE REMOVE YOUR ID Card Before leaving the office Premises..(always see girls on the bike, local buses and trains with their cards hanging).. Indirectly, inviting troubles ourselves.. So, prevention is always better than Cure :)

Always be safe..

Bye.TC:) Sang
It's read sad to know that still some people are having such low level thinking!!!. Education has failed to postively uplift them,they are literally burden to socitey!
Kindly put up all details to CHR Administrator,Sid. I'm sure he would be able to do good justice to him. It's really kind of you to think that the "H.R generalist cum Citehr member" will read our opinions/reactions and might change - atleast think about they wrong way in which he acted. Let me assure you that such people really do not have any morals! no feelings,nothing at all.they are just fake people. It's absolutely pointless to protect such people.
Disclose the information and let him face the results of his deeds.
Warm Wishes
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