How To Minimise Attrition? - Doc Download

Jyothi Jain
Hi ,
As the market is like a Hot cake and the resources are icing on it .....
To Minise the attrition here are the points which i feel
- during the hiring time look at the attitude of the resource
- what was the motivation to join your company
- Close think on the reason y usual people quit
1) Salary
2) Work
3) No job rotation bored of same project and job
4) the indivadual relation with team adn manager

- As you told everyone is quiting with in period of 4 months than may be some problem in fitment too
Dear Abilash,
Kindly have a look at your middle level employees (ie) Team lead etc.,,, If the attrition is more from a particular project / department, take a look at the immediate reporting system. Many times that could be the main reason for leaving.Since in your case Attrition is more at junior level.
Thanks Srilatha,
I have started working on the employee rewards and recognition. I guess this will be a step towards motivating the employees.
Thanks again.
Dear Abhilasha,

it is good to see that you are working on the points like induction and policy. But I believe that it is also important to mention to the candidates about their career steps. DON'T just give them information about vertical promotions, but if you can create some horizontal career steps, then it will certainly add to value to them.

What may be happening is that if they are looking for higher position, which may likely to come in after long time if they stay in your organization, then certainly they will be looking for other opportunities. (I have considered this point, since you have mention that salary rise is the issue for exit.)

Also arrange some repeated meeting with freshers changes their perception about Organization / HR / Top management, because being on first job there are looking for "information source i.e. HR", if it is not at place / unavailable, then it adds to confusion that wether the organization will be there to help them or not.

Also check what are commitments were made at the time of interview by respective HODs'. Most of the fresher joins the organization with expectations of commitment from employer. If they perceive after 3 months, that the organization is not able to fulfill the promises, then it is loss of faith and commitment from employee side. The immediate motto becomes " Loyalty be Damned".

If you require any further explaination, kindly revert back.


Dear Shailendra,
Thanks for making me see through a different angle. I will definitely work from that aspect also.
In case i have any more doubts, will get in touch with you.
I need to work one step at a time and at a rapid pace.
Dear Abhilasha,
If your company can afford, try using the help of mentors meaning those who might have been working with your organization for some time and who understand your systems to a good extent and is happy to work for you. Use this person as part of your induction process for employees and also make use of the mentors to guide the new comers during the first couple of months. They will try to help the newcomers get adjusted and also provide HR with constant feedback on their problems which might help you to act proactively.
Dear Abhilasha,
Here is an article that would help to understand more aspects of attrition which is a global issues. The impacting figures are phenomenal and needs to be addressed by sharing best practices thats available.
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Warm Wishes in hot summer Abhilash
If freshers leave the company within short span... try out this
Talk to them personally
Get Feedback abt the company proceeding
Try to work on the grievances they say and make it alternate solutions..
Get mingle and get work done
All the best
R.Md Ariff
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Thanks Mekala,
Yes, i am also looking at the reporting structure. True, that these freshers are also part of a particular project. It really makes sense in even scrutinizing the TL's and immediate reporting authorities.
Rajat Joshi
Hi Abhilasha,

Am delighted to see the views and ideas shared by the members here :D

This subject is close to my heart and here a lot of points and essentials have been covered here and would like to add the following :

# Analyse the data of the exit interviews or maybe you need to revamp the same if you are not getting the right and correct feedback. This has been elaborated in this forum..just use the facility of search on the top left.

# Analyse the attrition rate department or category wise may throw some ideas, check the level of leadership scale/behaviour of the heads.As someone rightly said that people leave bosses not the company. Training of the leaders/HODs can be an area.

# If the problems persists, have a retention bonus as a part of the salary if he/she completes a year.

# Just a dipstick study- analyse your company as where it stands in the Industry/sector and the future prospects; if you find issue(s), please discuss with the Top Management for further clarity.

Managing attrition rate is a great challenge and our best wishes are with you..


Rajat Joshi
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