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Dear All
here is another one from me on two wheeler
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Firoz & Dipil,
Mr.Dipil I am having that video what you post anyway thanks for your sharing.Mr.Firoz again excellent one from your side Thanks a lot. . .
Again one more from myside --- Excavations (5 of 6)_ Sloping and Shoring. . . . . .
<< (Excavations (4 of 6)_ Sloping and Shoring part -2 i will post later ) >> . . .
Thanks & Besafe
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Good idea. i agree with your opinion and i will post any safety video that have collected before.
Dear Firoz
Nice on again...
Now enjoy another one from myside on Crane Accidents...
Let's keep on moving...
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Dear Raghu
Excavation video i\was very good... The last few posts of your's were already I was having.. Actually these videos are from worksafebc website... However keep on posting...
Dear Michael
Nice to see your interest and waiting to receive videos from your collection....
@ Sudhir Kumar Patro
Thanks for your word... Keep on participate and share if you having any video with us...
Lets keep up the pace friends...
raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear firoz & Dipil,
Another one from side -- Excavations (4 of 6)_ Sloping and Shoring part -2
Dear Michael , Ajay Lachman , Sanjay , Sudhir
Thanks for your words keep participate & sharing your knowledge / videos. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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Here are three I wrote today
the key is hang up the phone
arrest fatigue management get your proper sleep and dont drink or take drugs if you are working or driving
some scenes are graffic dont watch if you have a week system the view is a little shocking but it is also reality
Not everyone dies in accident some times they live but living is sometimes not a picture we all should see
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Dear Firoz and Raghu
Enjoy another one from me related to Crane... It's showing a collapse of crane boom...
Dear Terry
Thanks a lot for the presentations... It's really good... Keep on sharing....
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear dipil,
Thanks for your crane related videos. . .
Another one from side last part of excavation ---- Excavations (6 of 6) _ Situations. . .
Dear Penny,
Thanks a lot for your PPT. . . Keep on sharing. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Dipil & Firoz,
Let’s enjoy another one from my side regarding “Bobcat” funny video. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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