Office Politics [Thread 110529]

First thing first: Keep talking, keep negotiating, check if there is something he is not happy about your work. Is it possible that the work that he assigned earlier to you. you were not upto the mark.

Or his expectation from your work is higher and it could be possible that now he is not assigning such work to you may be because you may not be the right person. There could be various reasons. Not knowing work is still ok, which you can still learn with sheer commitment.
However - if you are a person who is very good at the work and never failed in your delieverables. Then this looks like a situation where grapes have gone complete sour. That is the interpersonal relations has hit rock bottom...if there is no choice to move to the next job immediately. The best situation is to keep talking and being specific and at the same time being humble and polite. Being nice and confident is always a win win situation.
PLEASE TAKE UP extra work and try to the current job or task that is routine to you, in a much better way. I am sure s/he will get impressed.

If words fails. Win it be your superior work.
You may also suggest possible scenarios or example or strategies which will help in cost cutting, improving productivity and helping attain some of the goals that your boss may have for himself.

Please understand - none can be against you for ever, time changes, people change, what should not change is your commitment and dedication towards work.
WORK WITH PASSION. I am sure that will speak louder than words.


Please let know me - if this helps.

Hi, I have read all the reply. You have tried your level best to improve this but as you said nothing had happened. I totally agree with Mr. Samant Raj. You should find a better option in another company.
Just be cool and try to judge your own decision & then take it forward.
Mukesh Sharma
Arvind Ltd. Ahmedabad
Before you take any action on this issue. first analyse why and how often he behaves in this manner. Does he do the same thing with everyone or especially you only.
If its the case 1: That is only with you then there must be some reasons:
a) either you seem to be a person whom he is insecure of.
b)someone is communicating wrong messages to him against you and you and your boss has a big communication gap.
c)Or simply his nature is like this.

In second case if he behaves with everyone in the same way then
a) either he is that kind of person

In this general case you will have to understand your organisational culture whether your boss has som good links with top most and he is not scared of his activities. if this is the case then there are 2 ways only: Either speak your mind go to some restraunt have coffee treat him and share your thought.
OR Discuss this with someone who us senior to you all and seems to be sensible to control the situation.

If he is of first category and has problem only with you 1)speak your heart as suggested.
2) also start searching new job keep that in hand and have open discussion with him and seniors whom he is reporting.

Basic nature of his will not easily change. Insecurities cannot be erased so fast.

Be patient, be good to him and never backbite him or make him a gossip topic with any colleague for the time being as you never know who is using you for hmself.

All the best
My colleague is facing the same issue with our boss and the reason behind it is nothing but the boss fears that my colleague would over shadow him.
My suggestion is that you could bring in your HR / ER into this issue, so that your boss would be forced to be in good terms with you as they would always monitor his actions towards you.
If the HR / ER is not successful in solving it then you could move out of the job as "External motivation" is one of the driving factor for our success and if that not seen in our boss then it would definetly affect our drive to work smart.
HI the best thing is to give him a witten submission with an advance copy to his boss,be calm and tact ful, things will be allrgiht, if it doesnt after a min time, wuit the damn place, for a better job.All the best!
Let me get this straight. You have been working for this particular manager for 1 year? He does not appreciate you volunteering for extra tasks but marginalises you? Due to this your colleagues ignore you and you in turn take umbrage with them , resulting in a situation where you are blamed? have I got it right so far?
If I have ,then what I understand is this --- you are playing a game you do not understand.As long as you do your job, and do it well your colleagues will not have a problem. I think its an interpersonal relationship problem. May I suggest you stop asking your boss to give you extra tasks. Do the tasks you have to do. Mend bridges by NOT being defensive / aggressive with your colleagues. A few weeks of keeping a low profile will work wonders. If it gets too much for you I suggest you look for another position. Moving to another office within the company will not be a solution as your 'problem' will follow you.
I do hope you see an early and positive resolution to your situation as it can be very sould destroying.
Good Luck
I would suggest you to not to worry about your reputation as reputation is what others think about you,just worry about your character.And believe about in yourself.
misra 2007
Dont get so hasseled by such things every where in every organization these things happen. usually bosses tend to build a group around them selves who they interact with closely. not all bosses are like that. but in every office there will be people who will try to put up a show that they are close. any way dentify them if there are any and steer clear. never discuss your missgivings with the boss in front of other collegues u never know which one is speaking behind your back. now u cant go back and repair anything that is if you have done it. but we can move forward. during recruitment bosses do say these kinds of things. i have had this kind of experience. when i was joining an organization i decided to join a the organization only if the organization thought about my career advancement too. etec etec. anyway i was to soon learn that i would get wrok and everything but i would have to learn to put up with one or two machos in my department who had no disregard for the fact that i was their boss. being a lady they could not digest a woman boss.they occassionaly bypassed me to go to my boss. i confronted them and after a brief strife made it clear i was the boss and this was not going to work. i made sure that the communication channel kept open between us. U must do the same. and without getting agitated. u must keep your cool.

secondly his impression that u dont get along with others. my sister is an engineer. and that very brilliant for her age. but she has a habit at times to call a spade a spade. this doesn work. nobody likes being told that he or she is not smart. remmember that even the best of orgaizations have good and not so good employees. the challenge is not getting work from those who are hardworking and self motivated employees. but the challege is getting work done from those who are laggards.

i will tell you something that i always tell my sister and believe me it worked.
1)talk with your boss. apprise him of your delima and all you feel. unless and until you tell him how you feel you will never him often i dont say everyday but. i told my sister to she never talked with her boss . and visited him once in month rarely. no your boss must know where u are.

2) for this instance ask him time talk see if he is in a good mood and then go. talk alone. rehearse what you are going to say and what can be his possible questions and how will you face them. tell yu boss that if he finds you have something a miss u are prepared to work hard to rid of it.

3)in work area remain cordial. no i dont mean complacent. certainly not. but remmeber if you dont like insult others dont like to.

4) dont worry too much if you dont get work assigned immediately after this. try to remain happy. remmeber everyone has a right to be in spotlight now and then you can not steal all the place under the sun.

5)last but not the least try not to appear smarter then your boss. that is if he has arrogance and ego.

rest you have not told why he says so about u. whether you where involved in any incident or not that gave him this view. if had shed more light it might have been more helpful.
misra 2007
i also agree with sanjeev. what he has said could also be the issue. its a bit painful thought. but it could be very much a possibility
P Ramakrishnan
This is in response to a message Office politics written as under:
"I have been working for an organisation for the past 1 year wherein most of the time I m idle. Whenever I approach my boss for additional responsibilities to utilise my skill set fully, he gives a cold shoulder by questioning on my interpersonal skills like by saying that I am not getting along with other people and so and so.. But most of the time I hve observed that he is the one who sidelines me and this gives an impression to others that I am no imp. at all. I feel this is also giving them a freedom to talk rudely to me and when I give back they succeed in showing that definetly I m not a good team player. What should I do?"

I strongly suggest you to anayse your strength weakness first and have one one on dialogue with your boss as to what is his expectation from you and start executing, In the mean while you should scout for an opening in some other operations of your own orgnization or lateral based on your strength and try to push it through in another six months so that you will not have the same situation repeated again.
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