Worst experience of Citehr.... Chat request from member

Dear Urvashi
Dear Chanu..
I really sorry for this....Urvashi...U should out that name or User ID of the person....Then as u said ...He will loose his reputationn....Please u do it....It's a tit for tat.....U need not hesitate.....This is not Orkut....This is Cite HR....the most valuble and helpful website I found .....
In the wake of the recent incident with one of our CiteHR members (misuse of email id), I think its best that all of us take a step back and extrospect.
First you have to remember that " CiteHR" is a networking site, and there will be frequent exchange of details. Its hence in your descretion to share your contact details or not.
Having said that, the onus lies on all the other members in this forum to use the information that gets passed around in the best possoble ethical manner.
I strongly suggest that the citeHR administrators do not entertain new registrations requests from people who provide only half or incomplete information.
all other users, please report any troublesome users or messages in this forum.
Lets all together keep the sanctitiy and the sanity of this wonderful forum beautiful, informative and pure.
Kenneth Lewis
Dear Friends,
What u said is correct but not obsolutely 100% correct as this citehr.com is not a human being to judge whether the mails are genuine or not.
I suggest, the citmanhr people should appoint hr experts to scrutinize the mails daily. or else aleast a rule should be brought which can accept citehr members with their real photos, profession details, and personal deails.
Rafi @ warangal
Hi Urvashi,
we are sorry to hear this. I agree with you. Citehr is is a professional forum This kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable. Please do report to the forum administrator We should not accept this sort of behaviour. This place is to help others and gain knowledge and nothing much.
I hope this will teach him a lesson.
Hi Urvashi,
The whole incident is disgusting to say the laest. This is a forum for Professional interaction and such Rogues have no place here. I do hope the Administrator will take note of this.
Have faith in your abilities...you cannot keep a good person down for too long.
Dear All,Bcoz of these some HR fellows, Whole HR names are getting spoiled. The only thing to stop this is to avoid giving mobile no's or id's... Even if you give, plz give any male id's (your parents/brothers) and ask him to contact...If the HR is really good, then give your personal number... Also some of the people are posting their resume in this cite hr itself... This will give more opportunities to the guys who is behaving in a bad manner... So plz avoid posting resumes especially females....This is a very good site so plz dont make spoil by doing these silly things....Regards,Saravanan
hey urvashi
this is unfortunate thing.....but pls be careful henceforth not only on this site but any where online, pls dont be vulnerable and naive when some body says they have any job openings......U need to be very very cautious....
take care
Rushbh Shah
Hi Urvashi,
This is very sad that you have to come across such a instance. Please do write to the moderator of CiteHR and let them take a action against the one who has abused you.
Rushbh M Shah
Dear urvashi,
Don't ask anyone for the job. Update your Resume on naukri or monster and wait for the replies.
Thanks a lot for letting us all know about it.
From now on we all should be careful in disclosing our identities.
Hi Urvashi,
You have done good thing after posting this message overhere.
And i have one question for u.
You are from Delhi so how can you beleive to anybody & without knowing him u have started chat with him.
This is also lesson 4 your future.
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