Shall We Permit Namas (prayer) During Office Hours?

Dear VAnitha
If you are aware that freedom of practicing, preaching religion is one's fundamental right in India, yes there should not be any misuse of it. but you can't stop someone from practicing prayer, it is violation of one's fundamental right. neither any organisation can do this. now coming to the point that, every other person will ask such permission for their own prayer, so madam let me put this very straight you too know that in other religions there is no such particular time of prayers or compulsion but in Islam one has to perform prayer five times a day without leaving it. it is compulsory . so you can explain this to other employees if such case happens. and you too know that no other religion commands to perform 5 times a day.
this is very unfortunate that people now have started to capture employees personal freedom.
i have worked in three organisations , no one stoppped me in first two organisations but where i am working currently, my HR just unnecessarily put objections verytime. she keeps enquiring about me , although i had told at the time of joining only that i cant leave my prayer work n prayer both are important for me, i will ensure my work on time but i will also perform my prayer. i said i will perform my noon prayer during lunch but i need a break in evening , she agreed but later after 2-3 days she said you cant do this. i was so hurt, how can someone say NO for prayer. and then i said mam i told you this earlier, you can't stop me or let me talk to the MD directly, she said no MD is saying NO. i said let me talk to him then and she said no you cant go to him.
it was so stupid of her she was assuming me as a fool.
then sghe said i can only give you 5 minutes. then i thoought at least i would pray anyhow. i don't get time for WUZU, so i perform farz of wuzu coz it takes time in washroom and she has a problem with that also.
i pray only farz namaz because in half n hour lunch time its not possible to have lunch and perfrom full namaz.
i feel suffocated when she enquires about how much time m taking for my namaz, once it took 2 minutes extra and she told me not to take extra single minute.
although i complete my work on time, give her no excuse to scold me still she does that to me.
she is my manager also.
the most ridiculous thing is she has a problem with washroom time also, she says no one can take more than 5 minutes in washroom.
i just feel suffocated and wish to leave the company sometimes.
really very bad of you people.
they can puja on thier seat, they can have HAWAN in office on Diwali but cant let us muslims perform our prayer.
There is no single holiday for muslim festivals. not even for EID , they only have 1 RH that we can avail but what about other festivals??
and they have 2 days holiday for deewali, 1 holi, 1 christmas.
that means they only have a problem with muslims.
such a shame.
Please respect don't do this to us.
Dear All,
India is unique in its diversity of religions, faiths and beliefs. We are very accepting and permissive. We tend to overlook aberrations due to our phenomenally inherent tolerance, despite what the 'Intolerance Brigade' says! It is much easier to manage work in homogeneous environments, where only single faiths reside, than in a heterogeneous environment like ours.
The factors that must be weighed while considering this problem are:
(a) Number of man-hours lost, if any. If none, then the problem is solved.
(b) If man-hours are lost, can other workers, who may not have a daily requirement of taking time off, be compensated on a monthly basis?
(c) Can a via-media be found such as a minor adjustment in the lunch break to the mutual satisfaction of all faiths, and still retain harmony without affecting the output of the organization?
It is not a problem to be taken lightly as it affects the sensibilities of all faiths in one way or the other, while impacting the productivity of the organization. Hence, it needs a very carefully considered decision by the upper management, which should become policy to be respected by all without deviation or rancor.
Here's wishing you all the best.
Colonel Gahlot (Retired)
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