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Dear All,
Kindly let me know the different psychometric test tool available for the concerned industrial fields as given below.
1. Construction/ Real Estate
2. Financial Sector ( Banking /Insurance /Securities )
3. Sales & Marketing ( Product /Service /Concept)

From India, Mangaluru

I am lsiting details of psychometrics I distribute in India.

All these tests are relevant and useful for all Industries.

Sales Preference Indicator is specifically for thos in sales roles.

Pls let me know your speicific needs.

Best wishes,



India Facilitation Network is a Bangalore based firm providing performance improvement solutions and services to the corporate in maximizing the human resource talent for the best business results. This covers Competency Mapping, Competency based Interviewing, Psychometrics for Best Fit selection, Behavior/skills training, outbound learning, personal/leadership development and personal growth and change! This is achieved by their global reach and networking to source the ‘best in class solutions’ from global providers.

India Facilitation Network is an authorized provider for a range of personality, values, interest, ability and aptitude tests for use in employee selection and development, team-building and coaching, as well as for individual career development, guidance and counseling/Coaching.

Role of Psychometrics in Career Development/Guidance/Counselling/Coaching

Psychometric tests are used all over the world from school stage onwards as a part of helping make career decisions because they provide information that cannot be obtained in other ways. A psychometric test provides information about a person’s specific aptitudes and abilities. Well designed and developed tests provide a higher degree of reliability and validity to this decision process.

Our Services to Organizations

Why Personality Assessments? Personality questionnaires provide a fair, objective and cost-effective method of predicting likely behaviour in a wide range of settings. They can be used to determine a personality profile across a broad spectrum of characteristics or in conjunction with other evidence; they can be used to make predictions about likely success in a wide range of jobs. We offer a full range of measures of personality, interests and values, with impressive validation evidence from a number of users.

Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ+)

The first personality questionnaire specifically developed to be administered, scored and interpreted by computer, the 15FQ+ has set the standard for computer based personality assessments, it is ideal for use in selection and development.

Occupational Personality Profile (OPP)

A comprehensive yet quick to administer personality profile measuring nine core traits that are of particular relevance in occupational assessment for selection and development.

Sales Preference Indicator (SPI) SPI is a psychometric assessment of sales potential and sales-related Behaviours, used in the selection and development of both front-line and managerial sales staff. SPI assesses attributes that have been found to relate to sales success and is suitable for all levels of positions that include selling. The SPI is a normative self-report questionnaire, which assesses an existing or potential employee's likelihood of engaging in a range of sales related Behaviours. It should be used as part of an assessment battery in selection, development or guidance. It can assist in directing individuals into sales-related roles to which they are most suited and provide insights on potential training needs.

Values and Motives Inventory (VMI)

A normative self-report questionnaire which profiles the motivating forces that are likely to determine the amount of effort or energy that an individual is likely to expend in particular activities. Used on its own or as part of a battery for selection, development, guidance and team-building.

Jung Type Indicator (JTI)

The Jung Type Indicator, based on Carl Jung's model of personality, can be used for individual assessment and development, career Counselling, team-building and organization development.

Occupational Interest Profile (OIP)

Designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated psychometric assessment for career guidance and development by measuring work interests and personal work needs.

360 Feedback Profiling Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions! If only employers give their employees the opportunity to understand how they are viewed by others they interact with in the workplace, can they develop champions who can outperform themselves and beat the competition. 360 degree programs explore these views to help identify developmental needs and provide a tool to help individuals, teams and organizations be more successful. We provide organizations and consultants stand alone 360 degree feedback processing from their internet enabled laptops with standard 135 questions covering 9 competency areas of leadership or offer them 100% customization to suit specific needs.

Why Ability Testing? Over sixty years of accumulated evidence supports the power of ability tests in predicting occupational and academic outcomes. The ability tests were developed on this foundation while taking advantage of the developments in IT. Ability measures provide an objective means by which to ensure that a potential job-holder has the abilities required for the post. General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2)

A comprehensive, detailed and accurate measure of mental ability, this test is designed to assess reasoning power for those of general ability. Graduate Reasoning Test Battery (GRT1)

A comprehensive and in-depth measure of mental capacity designed to assess high level reasoning ability and therefore suitable for management and graduate caliber staff.

Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2)

Provides a detailed and accurate measure of critical reasoning. This test has been specifically designed for management assessment.

Clerical Test Battery (CTB2)

Designed to measure a range of clerical aptitudes and skills for general clerical and administrative positions.

Technical Test Battery (TTB2)

Measures the core skills that are required for selecting and assessing staff for engineering apprenticeships, craft apprenticeships or technical training. Identifies people who are likely to grasp technical concepts and put them to practical use.

Abstract Reasoning Test (ART)

The Abstract Reasoning Test assesses an individual’s capacity to perceive logical patterns and relationships, and draw rational conclusions from these logical relationships. Often referred to as Fluid Intelligence, abstract reasoning is considered to be the purest form of general mental ability, and is not dependent upon a person’s cultural background or educational experience

Our Services to Recruiters

Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ+)

The first personality questionnaire specifically developed to be administered, scored and interpreted by computer, the 15FQ+ has set the standard for computer based personality assessments, it is ideal for use in selection and development.

Occupational Personality Profile (OPP)

A comprehensive yet quick to administer personality profile measuring nine core traits that are of particular relevance in occupational assessment for selection and development.

Sales Preference Indicator (SPI) SPI is a psychometric assessment of sales potential and sales-related Behaviours, used in the selection and development of both front-line and managerial sales staff. SPI assesses attributes that have been found to relate to sales success and is suitable for all levels of positions that include selling. The SPI is a normative self-report questionnaire, which assesses an existing or potential employee's likelihood of engaging in a range of sales related Behaviours. It should be used as part of an assessment battery in selection, development or guidance. It can assist in directing individuals into sales-related roles to which they are most suited and provide insights on potential training needs.

General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2)

A comprehensive, detailed and accurate measure of mental ability, this test is designed to assess reasoning power for those of general ability.

Graduate Reasoning Test Battery (GRT1)

A comprehensive and in-depth measure of mental capacity designed to assess high level reasoning ability and therefore suitable for management and graduate caliber staff.

Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2)

Provides a detailed and accurate measure of critical reasoning. This test has been specifically designed for management assessment.

Clerical Test Battery (CTB2)

Designed to measure a range of clerical aptitudes and skills for general clerical and administrative positions.

Technical Test Battery (TTB2)

Measures the core skills that are required for selecting and assessing staff for engineering apprenticeships, craft apprenticeships or technical training. Identifies people who are likely to grasp technical concepts and put them to practical use.

Abstract Reasoning Test (ART)

The Abstract Reasoning Test assesses an individual’s capacity to perceive logical patterns and relationships, and draw rational conclusions from these logical relationships. Often referred to as Fluid Intelligence, abstract reasoning is considered to be the purest form of general mental ability, and is not dependent upon a person’s cultural background or educational experience

Our Services to Individual Job Applicants

Individual job applicants can take any of the above assessments and obtain feedback on line or face to face for their own development or present the same to their employers for fast track selection.

Our Services to Educational Institutions

We are offering three reliable and valid assessments for the schools/educational institutions.

1. Occupational Interest Profile (OIP)

Designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated psychometric assessment for career guidance and development by measuring work interests and personal work needs.

2. Values and Motives Inventory (VMI)

A normative self-report questionnaire which profiles the motivating forces that are likely to determine the amount of effort or energy that an individual is likely to expend in particular activities. Used on its own or as part of a battery for selection, development, guidance and team-building.

3. Jung Type Indicator (JTI)

The Jung Type Indicator, based on Carl Jung's model of personality, can be used for individual assessment and development, career counselling, team-building and organization development.

Next Steps if you need us..

Communicate your interest to India Facilitation Network.

Joseph Paulson

Consultant/ Facilitator/Coach

India Facilitation Network,

351 JVV, Kammanahalli MR


E Mail:

E Mail:

Mobile: 0091 9448270474

Telefax:0091 8023682351

Skype: joinbgl

Process Consulting,Competency Mapping/Based Interviewing, Assessment/Development Centres, Skills & Behavioral Training, Web-enabled 360-feedback Profiling, Psychometric Profiling, Leadership Development/Executive Coaching, NLP, Change Facilitation etc

From India, Bangalore
Greetings, In response to your question about psychometric tools, i have attached a document that might serve as a good primer in assessment centers and testing. I hope you find it useful.
From United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf Whats All The Buzz_ assessment centers and testing.pdf (339.8 KB, 541 views)

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