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Dear all,
Let me start a new thread regarding the above subject. In this thread I intend to post the projected figure of Industrial DA which will be effective from the next quarter onwards viz. 1st January - 31st March, 1st April - 30th June, 1st July - 30th September & 1st October - 31st December.
As you know the Industrial DA from 1.10.2010 onwards is 39.8% for 1.1.2007 scale and 136.1% for 1.1.1997 scale.
Now the projected figure from 1.1.2011 onwards is 41.7% (Diff. 1.9%) for 1.1.2007 scales and 139.3% (Diff. 3.2%) for 1.1.1997 scale.
Note: This is based on the AICPI upto 30.9.2010. Result of two more months viz. Oct & Nov 2010 has to come for the final figure.
Abbas.P.S, ITI LTD, PALAKKAD - 678 623
Ph. +91 9447 467 667.

From India, Bangalore
As you know the Industrial DA from 1.10.2010 onwards is 39.8% for 1.1.2007 scale and 136.1% for 1.1.1997 scale.
Now the projected figure from 1.1.2011 onwards is 42.7% (Diff. 2.9%) for 1.1.2007 scales and 141% (Diff. 4.9%) for 1.1.1997 scale.
Note: This is based on the AICPI upto 31.10.2010. Result of one more month viz. Nov 2010 has to come for the final figure.

From India, Bangalore
Considering the living cost and all, Wage Revision is being done once in five years or ten years. But inflation will go up day by day and subsequently the money value will come down. To compensate this we have to wait till the next Wage Revision, which is not practical. That is why the DA is introduced.

The devaluation of money can be assessed through Whole Sale Price Index, All India Cosumer Price Index etc. The difference between these two is that, price variation of all commodities are taken into account for Whole Sale Price Index.

But for AICPI there are some differences/ limitations.

1. There is a particular Consumer viz. Industrial Worker.

2. Some specified goods & services are defined, called "basket of goods".

3. Along with the price variation of commodities, its consumable quantity will also be considered.

4. All over India 78 Centres are selected to take average

Based on All India Consumer Price, Industrial DA being paid; variable in quarters commencing from January, April, July & October. I.e. for January the AICPI will be the average of previous September, October & November. Similarly for April it will be December, January & February, for July it will be March, April & May and for October it will be June, July & August respectively.

When the money devaluation is fully compensated it is called as full DA neutralisation. The formula for full DA neutralisation = (Total points - Base points)/ Base points (in percentage). The AICPI is introduced in India in 1960 and revised in 1982 & 2001. AICPI of 2001 x 4.63, we get AICPI of 1982 and AICPI of 1982 x 4.93, we get AICPI of 1960. For DA calculation AICPI of 1960 is accepted as the base.

The indexes can be had from the web : Labour Statistics Page 2

Now in India mainly two term's wage settlements are in exist; Wage Settlements of 1.1.1997 & 1.1.2007. The base point in 1.1.1997 is 1708 & in 1.1.2007 is 2884.

I shall quote one example,i.e. calculation of AICPI for July '10. This is equalent to average of previous March, April & May; which recorded as 170, 170 & 172 (Base year 2001). Multiply with 4.63 and round, we get 787,787 & 796 (Base year 1982). Multiply with 4.93 and round, we get 3880,3880 & 3924 (Base year 1960). Find average of these 3 and round, we get 3895.

DA for 1.1.97 scale. Total points - 3895, Base points - 1708, Total - Base = 2187. % is 2187/1708 x 100 = 128.0 ( Correct to one decimal).

DA for 1.1.2007 scale. Total points - 3895, Base points - 2884, Total - Base = 1011. % is 1011/2884 x 100 = 35.1 ( Correct to one decimal).

I shall insert Excel sheet for IDA calculation w.e.f 1.10.2008. You may extent the rows further (as necessary) and just enter the 3 indexes towards the year 2001 in green colour columns. The results will appear in yellow and red is used for static informations.


From India, Bangalore
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File Type: xls DA update.xls (22.5 KB, 926 views)

Dear all friends in citeHR,
Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year 2011.
As you know the Industrial DA from 1.10.2010 onwards is 39.8% for 1.1.2007 scale and 136.1% for 1.1.1997 scale.
From 1.1.2011 onwards it is enhanced to 43% (Diff. 3.2%) for 1.1.2007 scales and 141.5% (Diff. 5.4%) for 1.1.1997 scale.

From India, Bangalore
As you know the Industrial DA from 01.01.2011 onwards is 43% for 1.1.2007 scale and 141.5% for 1.1.1997 scale.
Now the projected figure from 01.04.2011 onwards is 46.5% (Diff. 3.5%) for 1.1.2007 scales and 147.4% (Diff. 5.9%) for 1.1.1997 scale.
Note: This is based on the AICPI upto 31.12.2010 published on 31.01.2011. Result of two more months viz. Jan & Feb 2011 has to come for the final figure.

From India, Bangalore
As you know the Industrial DA from 01.01.2011 onwards is 43% for 1.1.2007 scale and 141.5% for 1.1.1997 scale.
Now the projected figure from 01.04.2011 onwards is 48% (Diff. 5%) for 1.1.2007 scales and 149.9% (Diff. 8.4%) for 1.1.1997 scale.
Note: This is based on the AICPI upto 31.01.2011 published on 28.02.2011. Result of one more month viz. Feb 2011 has to come for the final figure.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Abbasiti,
Can you plz explain me the two scales you have mentioned above and is it applicable on every cadre and this %age is counted on basic or gross?????????
Kindly, help me understand the process.

From India, Surat
The above Industrial DA is applicable to Central Public Sectors (Government of India Undertakings). I don't know which are the other organisations follow the same pattern.
In most of the PSUs, wage revision taken place w.e.f 01.01.2007. But sill there many PSUs where the above wage revision is due but pending, accordingly they follow the 01.01.1997 scales.

From India, Bangalore
Da for 1.1.2007 scale From April 2011 is 47.2% (hike 4.2% as on 1.1.11)& for 1.1.97 scale 148.6 % (hike 7.1% ) for CPSE based on the data already given labour statistics.
BC Sahoo
Asst Mgr

From India, Jamshedpur
As you know the Industrial DA from 1.4.2011 onwards is 47.2% for 1.1.2007 scale and 148.6% for 1.1.1997 scale.
From 1.7.2011 onwards it will be continued as 47.2% for 1.1.2007 scales and 148.6% for 1.1.1997 scale (no difference).

From India, Bangalore
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