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I have started with the project on competency mapping... more precisely am doing a comparative analysis between two thermal power companies- NTPC and power Grid Co.....the former practices com map and the latter doesnt...i am planning how far is com map important and how it adds on with the overall perfoprmance of the company... i dont know how to proceed....would request you to reply as soon as possible.....
From India, Delhi
NTPC is the first PSU in India to adopt com map.....and after having adopted this its performance raised remarkably. getting influenced by NTPC other companies are following the same policy whereas powergrid lags behind....i want other PSUs to focus on competencies of employees so as to perform better..i ll be grateful if u help me do this...
From India, Delhi
Who are you and in what capacity are you doing the project and why? If it is for an academic degree, have you done any literature survey?
Please see my posts on Research Methodology and MBA projects.
You are trying to seek help with scant information.
Have a nice day.
A retired academic in UK

From United Kingdom
i am an mba student of AIM, Delhi..i find that people have done detailed study competency mappin in NTPC...i am trying to figure out to what extent this concept has contributed in keeping NTPC ahead of other thermal power companies...and why power grid should apply this theory...
let me know what all details you want to know...looking forward for guidance...

From India, Delhi
Have you done any literature survey? Have you got access to both organisations? How much time have you got to complete the studies? Have you got a faculty guide and a mentor at one of the sites?
From United Kingdom
I have had talks with both the companies..will be visiting them soon. I need to submit the final report by 14th.
From India, Delhi
i am almost done with the study of NTPC already submitted 50%of will be done when i visit power grid, a bit perplexed about the comparison between the two...
From India, Delhi
Dear Monica,
You are economical in giving information and do not answer the questions raised. If required please drop me a private message giving as much information as you can about what you have done so far and clearly raising your doubt.

From United Kingdom
sir i am trying to understand why are companies so very much on com map and how does it affect the overall performance of the organization..i also want to make a comparative study of other co. i.e. power grid which does not go for this and how far it is afeected due to this and why should it adopt this HR policy...i have started with the project..done a detailed study on trying to study the other company...sir u seem to be apprehensive about the topic the whole project..may i know if anything is wrong!!
From India, Delhi
thank you so very much for your feedback i am clear about what is to ba done...could you please suggest a company i can work upon as a competitor of ntpc which does not follow com map..........
From India, Delhi
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