In my organization the salary is made on 30-31 days basis, in gratuity calculation formula the base days is taken as 26. So now if I have to calculate the number of days an employee has worked during an year should be on the basis of his number of days salary made (30-31 format) or on the basis of 26. If I’ve to follow 26 days format then do I’ve to exclude/include holidays also in working days.
From India, undefined

If the salary is monthly rate then the monthly salary should be divided by 26 as per PG Act. But if it is in daily rate, then the formula will be daily rate x 15 x yrs of completed service.

S K Bandyopadhyay ( WB, Howrah)
CEO-USD HR Solutions
+91 98310 81531

USD HR Solutions – To Strive towards excellence with effort and integrity

From India, New Delhi