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Research Results For "Bond Uk" - Page 1

Need Help With Negotiating Bond Amount - Want To Pursue Higher Education In The UK (168) (09/Feb/2023)
I have signed a training agreement bond of INR 1L for 33 months with an organisation. Since then I have been working with them without any escalation and giving my best.Now I want to pursue higher education in the UK and want to break/negotiate the bond amount as it really...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 3, View average: 0.9610

Notary Bond - Broke This And Joined Another Job - Bond Is A Service Bond And Only One-sided (543) (14/Nov/2006)
Hello friends I want some help regarding Notary Bond. I have been signed 2 years 50000 bond at march 06 and board was on 50rupees stamp paper at Notary. Now through this month I broke this and joined another job. This bond is a service bond and only one sided...
Total participants: 5, View average: 0.5686

Deduction Of Bond From Terminal Benefits And Refusal By The Employer To Return Of Such Bond. (103) (17/Oct/2021)
Dear Friends Recently i received settlement of terminal dues from my ex employer who deducted the bond amount from the pf and gratuity. Is it correct to deduct bond amount from Pf & gratuity. They are not returning the original bond at my request? Are they justified in keeping the...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 2, View average: 0.6451

EMPLOYMENT BOND - What Terms And Conditions Should Be Specified In The Bond? (213) (14/Jul/2023)
Dear Seniors Request you to help in forming a bond between employee and the organisation Need to form a bond with the employee for 2 years of employment with the organisation What terms and conditions should be specified in the bond? It would be of great help if I could...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 2, View average: 1.2979

Interest On Bond Amount After Bond Period (275) (19/Apr/2011)
Hello I had a bond with a company for 3 years. It has been 5 years since the bond period expired but the bond amount has not been returned to me. Am I eligible for interest on the amount for the period after the bond period 5 years even though...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 3, View average: 0.3665

Why The Bond Is Being Executed By The Both Party When Bond Totally Shows The Obligation Of One Party Towards Other? (280) (07/Sep/2018)
Bond as an agreement has to necessarily have two parties at least expressing mutual relations rights and obligations. A bond can be one sided too like an indemnity bond etc. Such bonds are undertakings and can be relied upon in the court proceeding....
Seniors participating: 3, Total participants: 6, View average: 0.5315

Signed A Bond Of 1 Year With A Company - MD Is Not Giving Me The Copies Of Bond. What Is The Reason Behind This? (182) (03/Jul/2023)
I signed a bond of 1 year with a company as a Technical Developer and I am a fresher. There was no salary mentioned in the bond but the company was for the last 12 years. But the MD is not giving me the copies of bond. What is the...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 3, View average: 1.1802