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Research Results For "Kanchan" - Page 9

Topic For Major Project In 4th Sem.. (477) (01/Nov/2009)
hello friendss... i m in 3th sem and i need a topic for my major project in 4th sem..but i need to give topic n synopsis in this month only.. i am confused regarding topic and which industryor company to choose which will be easy for me to conduct research...
Total participants: 3, View average: 0.6115

Measuring Training - Doc Download (1151) (08/Mar/2010)
Nice Debate I would say training is a step to have initial concept like a toddler struggle for walk on a floor. The more toddler put its effort to implement his initial learning the perfect he walks. Similarly the more a professional put his efforts to polish his learning the...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 13, View average: 1.3581, Contains Attachments

Pf Query - Pdf Download (826) (16/Apr/2011)
Dear Mr. Bipin This is totally descrition of employee if he/she require to get deduct the same company will go for as per his/her descrition. Rgds bipin kanchan;1523452Dear seniors; My query is that if an employee who is a member of PF moves to a new company where his...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 8, View average: 0.8888, Contains Attachments

How To Prepare Training Calendar & Budget (846) (15/Feb/2011)
jackyy;1451037Dear Seniors Please help me to prepare a training calendar & a budget. Please forward some sample training calendar Jackyy Dear Jackyy I strongly recommend you to prepare a training calendar that can deeply understand the business objectives and priorities for the year. Also every training program needs...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 7, View average: 1.3740

Hi--What Is The Difference Bet Workmen Compention Act & ESI (435) (01/Jul/2008)
Wherever ESI not applicable WC Act comes into picture. It was mentioned in the WC Act.... ESI is not speaking about this. My suggestion is better go for a WC Policy. In that there is no need to mention employee names. Suppose 100 employees are working you can take wc...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 6, View average: 0.4678

Employee Behavioral Issues - Taking WFH Without Informing His Senior Colleague/manager (237) (08/May/2023)
Hello All I work with a small company of size around 20. We have an employee who joined us in Feb 2023. His performance is good on the project. But there are lot of behavioral issues like taking WFH without informing his senior colleague/manager in the office. Now 10 days...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 4, View average: 2.0421

Performane Appraisal (597) (17/Jun/2011)
Hi Pranali First of all ensure from Management regarding Appraisal Due dates. 1. If quarterly basis 1st April 1st July 1st October 1st January 2. If half yearly basis 1st April 1st October 3. If yearly basis 1st April. Prepare Appraisal Forms for both Executive Grade and Manager Grade. Confirm...
Total participants: 8, View average: 0.8300