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Research Results For "TEAM LEADER APPRAISAL" - Page 7

How Do I Get The Split Team To A Strong Team (317) (09/Jun/2008)
Hi I am sure experts and most experienced would look into this topic. I am working with a team which started off really well it was really strong the bond between team was going really good.. After the team alignment/ reporting changes happened there is a major deviation. People who...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 3, View average: 0.3093

Performance Appraisal Tips - Especially For Trainers (292) (09/Feb/2008)
The best way to improve on the process of the performance appraisal in your company is to reconsider the appraisal cycle and see whether you need a quarterly appraisal cycle instead of the yearly. Although it might not be the same for all teams . For example The sales team...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.3875, Contains Attachments

Wnat Sort Of A Leader Are You? - Ppt Download (501) (14/May/2010)
Heard of Open Source Leader? You can read about it in Sangeeth Varghese s new book. OPEN The Future of Organizations and Leadership. Its a Penguin Books Publishing and is best seller for last 3 weeks. Their website read... An evolutionary change in the world of...
Total participants: 4, View average: 0.5970, Contains Attachments

Thought Leader Interview With Jim Kouzes: A Leader¡¯s Legacy (739) (27/Feb/2007)
Jim and Barry developed the widely used and highly acclaimed Leadership Practices Inventory or LPI which is a 360 questionnaire assessing leadership behavior. The LPI has been administered to over 250000 individuals and over one million observers have provided feedback using the LPI. Jim is a highly regarded leadership scholar...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.3478

Victimisation Of An Workmen Who Is Union Leader Himself (853) (31/Aug/2014)
One can not have the cake and eat it too only this proverb comes to my mind after going through the story of Santhosh the union leader who is actively inclined towards the protection of the interests of his union members and Santhosh an ordinary workman who is in dire...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 5, View average: 0.5858

10 Best Hotels In South For Team Building And Team Offsites (220) (20/Jan/2014)
Hi.. Planning for a corporate team off site the best hotels u can try for the Resorts. 1. The Park Vishakapatnam. 2. Kumarakom lake resort 3. Taj Malabar....
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.4436, Contains Attachments

Team Work / Team Building Case Study (381) (15/Feb/2011)
Hi I am looking for a case study on Team work / team building. It had charachters by the name of Alec and steward. And you are required to debate whether a particular member is a team player or not on the basis of what they do. eg. not willing...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.6895