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Research Results For "Sneha Parmar" - Page 6

What Is Mbo? - Ppt Download (1828) (12/Oct/2010)
so nice ppt you made krishna .keep it up.you actually describe the MBO concept in detail.once again thanks to share with all . Regards Sneha NIkumbh.HR 8898133178...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 18, View average: 2.1631, Contains Attachments

Employee Records - Xls Download (3089) (16/May/2008)
hello all i received the employee data format its very use full for me. please help me out with what to include in hr policies and i m fresher so need ur help. Thanks Sneha....
Total participants: 8, View average: 4.9558, Contains Attachments

Business Email Writing Tips - Ppt Download (1399) (20/Sep/2012)
Hi Riya Even i m new in this filed and presently strugling with email eticates. thanks for sharing this. Best Wishes Sneha...
Total participants: 7, View average: 2.8351, Contains Attachments

12 Dirty Habits That Prevent You From Developing Exceptional (448) (23/Aug/2007)
Hi Sapna M a Management student and all these points provided by you are so true...it really makes a hell lot of difference when we interact properly...thanks for the same.... Sneha :...
Total participants: 3, View average: 0.2753, Contains Attachments

TIPS - Time Management... Just One Minute (426) (06/May/2008)
Hello Mr Shabbar I know you through yahoo groups as am regularly getting your articles in my yahoo mail box. I appreacite the topic you choose everytime. Keep posting. Sneha Jassuja...
Total participants: 4, View average: 0.3213

Re: Management School Evaluation Questionnaire (290) (07/Aug/2010)
Dear Sneha Before seeking questionnaire you need to do a literature search and see what others have done and how and why that way. What have you done so far? Have you got any hypotheses that you want to test? Is that for an assignment or your final project? Simhan...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 2, View average: 0.3264

Psychometric Tests Pdf Download [thread 5088] (1617) (15/Dec/2005)
Hi All Can anyone help me with sample of these tests. I am working as a recruiter and want to introduce this concept my workplace. Will I have to take up some kind of course or studies for the same. Kindly provide me with necessary details. Awaiting your reply. Regards...
Total participants: 12, View average: 1.7316, Contains Attachments