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Research Results For "Nancy Mascarenhas" - Page 5

Buying Out The Notice Period (981) (16/Jan/2016)
Dear Respected Seniors i am working as HR since last 9 years but still have not practiced some key factors as where i live is growing city but companies dont have that professional approach for every aspect. I have recently joined a hospital which is again a new challenge for...
Seniors participating: 3, Total participants: 8, View average: 1.8503

Maternity Leave_IT Company (827) (13/Jan/2009)
Dear Sonia There is aboslutely no danger to the expectant mother as long as she follows certain basic safety rules. Personally speaking I worked till the last minute before the delivery and i used to travel by my own too. I availed all the leave after the birth of my...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 7, View average: 0.4662

Implementation Of Medical Insurance Coverage - XLS Download (1458) (16/Dec/2008)
Hi I got an assignment from my reporting officer to collect complete details of how to implement a medical insurance coverage in a company.ours is a US based company and in our branch 25 employees are working. So far we had medical reimbursement along with the salary split up of...
Total participants: 7, View average: 2.0202, Contains Attachments

BPO Hassle - Deniel Of Promotion And Now Deniel Of Leave Encashment On Resignation (985) (29/Oct/2008)
IHi Nancy/I IGenerally as per the HR policy s in most of the organisation If u cant give a notice period then ur leave balance will be adjusted for the same. When i resigned from my previous organisation i had a leave balance of 23 days. My manager agreed to...
Total participants: 12, View average: 0.5318

Citehr Member's Behaviour - Senior Members And The Moderators Give Negative Reply (1341) (18/Jun/2013)
Dear Nancy Our apologies if we sound rude while responding to any post. Whether its the senior or moderator or any member for that reason we are here because we want to help. We like to contribute to an extent that even after years of mentoring I know many mentors...
Seniors participating: 7, Total participants: 9, View average: 0.6788

Process Training Assessment - Ideas On How The Scores Can Be Published To Show Training Effectiveness Basis The Scores (273) (08/Nov/2018)
Dear Nancy 'Training Effectiveness' has a totally different meaning. Hope you will agree. I understand from your above data that you wanted to show the 'training completion rate / certification success rate' i.e. how many attended training & appeared for the certification and how many cleared out of the total...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.7924

Soft Skills Training For School (575) (07/Sep/2011)
Hi Friends I am asked to design a soft skills training outline for the 1. Orientation Program on the need of soft skills in a school 2. soft skills for the administration department in the school 3. Soft skills for the KG & Primary teachers 4. Soft skills for the...
Total participants: 2, View average: 1.0991