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Research Results For "Sex In Mumbai" - Page 11

Administrative Officer - Doc Download (1412) (30/Jul/2007)
Hi Firstly you need to send mail to your all employees regarding the booking of tickets they need to inform you before 10 days or 2 weeks for train & air ticket because this depends on availblity . send the format to all people in which they send you all...
Total participants: 6, View average: 1.1464, Contains Attachments

TO Be Motivational And To Provide Knowledge Of Eternal Happiness (378) (29/Aug/2008)
TO be motivational and to provide knowledge of Eternal happiness Eternal happiness What is the source of happiness in life? Is it money and wealth? Success or victory? Satisfaction? Desire? A wife or a Husband? Children? Family affection? TV? Sex? Power and Respect? Fame?
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.4550, Contains Attachments

Some Points To Understand Girls (1586) (10/Oct/2005)
Here s what I ve got to say about women :: Woman: The ceaseless source of energy Woman the creator demolisher nurturer so many different metaphors but just a single reality that she always has been the second sex. Underlying is the fact that she has been sacked by the...
Total participants: 11, View average: 1.3804

Legal Provisions For Women Employees (227) (12/Jul/2012)
Apart from Maternity Benefit Act other is Equal Remuneration Act as per this there is should not be discrimination in wages for same category of employees on basis of sex. Secondly Prohibition of working of women employees during night shift without the permission of concerned Authorities as per States S...
Total participants: 3, View average: 0.3082

Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps (560) (08/Apr/2011)
Hi All Let s all read understand respect and accept the opposite sex... Here an outstanding book "Why men don t listen and women can t read maps" that can help.... Regards Kanika Kapoor...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 6, View average: 0.9035

My Internship Project! - Doc Download (350) (12/May/2011)
Dear Sanjana First gather some information about what facilities the company has and conduct a survey of employees about what they think about the facilities. Also gather demographic information about their age sex status in the company etc. These will be your independent variables. While asking for their views you...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 4, View average: 0.4523, Contains Attachments

Employee Database Maintained By A Company (539) (20/Apr/2007)
sl.no Emp no Name Department Grade Designation Date of Joining Sex Date of confirmation Date of transfer Transfered to Date of birth Father s name Skills Educational qlfn No. of yrs exp previous Address phone numbers residence & mobile blood group ...
Total participants: 4, View average: 0.6715


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