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Research Results For "Channel Partner Study" - Page 11

Types Of Training - Doc Download (764) (28/Apr/2014)
Dear Sonam I need some clarity. Is your request for a automobile manufacturing unit or the sales network? The reason for this question is if it is manufacturing the training required will be more towards process integration essential to ensure supply of goods to the market at the right time....
Total participants: 10, View average: 0.9024, Contains Attachments

Unprofessionalism Of A Big It Company - DOC Download (1911) (08/Jan/2008)
quoteDeepali GulatiSanjeev This is a true Case Happening in Infosys. I don t have waste of time to discuss imaginable cases. Apart of it the latest news is HR head has refused that they have committed anything like this as the technical support level 1 person are also called as...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 19, View average: 1.1825, Contains Attachments

List Of Kpo Companies In Hyderabad - Xls Download (2169) (29/Mar/2008)
Safegain Solutions outsourcing financial consulting lead Generation outbound campaigns to experienced centers. We are looking for centers who are interested in outbound lead generation for offering consulting services to those people who are in need of any categories of loans. We provide onsite training for CRM Portals and operational procedure....
Total participants: 6, View average: 2.7162, Contains Attachments

Performance Appraisal Form - Sample - JPG Download (814) (19/Feb/2009)
Am working as a personnel officer in a Tv channel now we want to go for registration for pf what are the acts applicable please tell me
Total participants: 2, View average: 1.4019, Contains Attachments

Hmm some debate this is Dignity I support Dr on this subject. I would n t get into any explanation because so musch has been written and debated I would like to once turn everybody s attention to the several incorrect unjust methods politicians people etc use for sheer monetary...
Total participants: 8, View average: 1.4889

Effective OD Inititatives (387) (18/May/2007)
Hi friends : Our company a pvt sector bank organizes Blood donation camps as part of CSR initiatives and also to make sure that there is a platform where employees from both the divisions namely and interact and...
Total participants: 4, View average: 0.3203

Going To Tell Off About An Evil Coworker To Management (2052) (19/May/2011)
Hi About to be caught This is affective communication if you show your name whenever you ask for suggestion from seniors ok pal. after taking a glance of your thread got understand that your communication channel is not affective see whenever we put our thought consideration decision working talks with...
Seniors participating: 3, Total participants: 19, View average: 1.2566


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