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Research Results For "Court Of Enquiry" - Page 1

Court Judgement That A Competent Authority Who Issues The Charge Sheet Cannot Himself Be A Witness In The Domestic Enquiry? (127) (08/Jun/2019)
Can somebody help me with a court Judgement that a Competent Authority who issues the charge sheet cannot himself be a witness in the domestic enquiry. Any other objective evidence would also help....
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 2, View average: 0.4788

Domestic Enquiry Proceeding And Case At Labour Court Proceed Simultaneously (397) (10/Jul/2018)
Thanks for your valuable inputs.
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 4, View average: 0.8310

SHWW Enquiry - Is It Mandatory To Take Oath Before The Enquiry Starts For Each And Every Person Who Are Summoned? (500) (30/Jun/2018)
Hi It is not necessary to take oath before the enquiry starts. When the IC start inquiry into the compliant the law demands it has to take oath as the IC has vested with the powers of the Civil Court while conducting the inquiry. Section 11 sub section 3 clearly...
Seniors participating: 4, Total participants: 7, View average: 0.8404

Domestic Enquiry - What Is The Time Limit Of Submission Of Findings/Report Of The Enquiry Officer? (677) (11/Aug/2018)
Dear Team Members Kritarth Team of Professional Inquiry Officer and Practitioner deems it our Duty to Quote the Relevant Extract of the Supreme Court s above referred to Judgement of 16.Dec 2015. May I request the Team Members to upload Soft Copy of the above said judgement to be referred...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 7, View average: 1.5023

Domestic Enquiry-Demand By Deliquent Employee To Allow His Representation By A Lawyer (341) (26/Dec/2010)
Rajanassociates has rightly opioned. But if the DGM is not a legally qualified person then don t allow lawyer on defense side. Insist on Union Office bearers or coworker. The enquiry will not vatiate. At the most the delinquent may approach court. But the court doesn t interfere when enquiry...
Total participants: 3, View average: 0.4210

Deposition Before Domestic Enquiry (446) (09/Mar/2015)
I have recd. domestic enquiry letter to whch I relied that in absence of my salary wages etc. I can not come in enquiry please send them immediately but they conducted enquiry in my absence now for cross examination they have given me another date and informing that if absent...
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 3, View average: 0.5811

Enquiry Closed Without Termination/suspension (381) (09/Aug/2017)
Yes the enquiry has been completed with out any inference The employee was not suspended and the enquiry was conducted to give farse shape after transferring the employee from U.P. to Tamilnadu and so as to prove misconduct of not obeying the reasonable orders of the superiors of not joining...
Seniors participating: 2, Total participants: 4, View average: 0.3320