Maruti's Manesar Clash: Burnt Body Identified As HR Head

My sympathy goes to the family members who lost the bread winner due to the barbaric act of the people who does not deserve any pardon.
Dear Mr Ankur Brij,
I do not agree with you on the point that Companies must avoid recruiting operatives of Maruti's Manesar plant. We should not punish a larger entity for the crime committed by a smaller entity.
What I feel is that we should retrospect on the incident and draw lessons from this incident.
We all need to revisit our HR policies to ensure that such incidents do not recurr.
I also wish to appeal to the conscience of the Union Leaders. Will their Union compensate the family of the deceased. When a worker dies on duty they make much hue and cry on management compensating the family of the worker. Now by the same connotation, the Union should compensate the family of the decease Manager.
Another aspect to be considered is an ammendment in the Trade Unions Act to bring to books not only the erring employee but also the Trade Union to which that which employee belongs. The TU should also be made accountable for the conduct of their members
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Four reasons behind Maruti Suzuki's Manesar problems
Four reasons behind Maruti Suzuki's Manesar problems - The Economic Times
So far only individual opinions. In the meanwhile a CM of another state wants to take advantage of the Maruti plant untoward happening in Haryana state.This means he too indulges in self aggrandizement and belittling others,that is, his administration is better than Haryana's.
Well what is the collective wisdom out of this happening is the question. Please find out if you can.
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Who is the real 'Ravana' in the Maruti story gone wrong?
Who is the 'Ravana' in the Maruti story gone wrong? - Analysis - DNA
Water is troubled. Some are drowned and still some more will be drowned but some will fish from the troubled water. But the question will continue to haunt-Who is the real 'Ravana' in the Maruti story gone wrong?
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Its a very unfortunate and tragic incident; and the gruesome and ghastly way this crime was committed, makes it all the more heart-wrenching.
Pray the soul of the deceased Mr. Dev, Rest In Peace and the Almighty grant strength to the bereaved family to bear the loss.
As members of HR fraternity, we should raise our voice to condemn such in-human acts by a section of criminals, and extreme victimization of HR officials.
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Is it going to stop further damages? Is it going to prevent further such untoward happenings?
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Maruti says no idea when riot-hit factory will reopen | Reuters
"In my wildest dreams, I never thought that a day would come like this, when our own workers would indulge in this kind of rioting and mob violence... leading to the burning to death of one senior officer," Bhargava, who has been with the company since its inception in 1981, told reporters.
The riot began after an altercation between workers and managers over a disciplinary incident involving a single worker. The factory's workers' union has accused Maruti officials of starting the violence and using hired thugs to beat workers.
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
What a insight lag! Mr. Bhargava being in the company for 31 years since inception could not even sense that condition was ripe for violence to be triggered by an altercation. There is insight lag within and there is insight lag without as well.Right?
Dear All,
its really sad . Our Govt should take the strict action aganist this.
Pray to God to rest Avnish dev soul.
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Dear! This is just a layman's reaction. An expert insight is expected from you.regards
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