How Much You Love Dad??? - Pps Download

How Much You Love Dad??? Enjoy the show my friends.
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Hello Everybody,
Please do go through this VERY NICE POST of Sompong. THANKS A LOT Dear Sompong. My Dad passed away in 1995 but even after so many years I still do miss him A LOT! Yes, we must take care of our parents and quite naturally looking at our behaviour with our parents will our children treat us accordingly as it is said 'You Reap As You Sow!' Request to all to see this BEAUTIFUL PPT.
Thanks & Regards to all
Mody Harish M.
BPP Co-ordinator,
KGK Diamonds Group, Surat.
(+91 97236 96738)
Dear Mody,
My dad also passed away in 1998, and I also missed him a lot. I saw the old presentation and I think I should refresh it, because it is still up-to-date for everyone. Don't lose opportunity to hug and treat your parents while they are alive. It's very useful message that I would like to convey to all of you. Not only dad, but your lovely mother and the older people in your family too.
Hello All,
Agree with Mody Harish & Sompong.... My dad also passed away in 2010 (missing him lot), and after that i am taking care of my mother a lot because now i have only mom and she is mom & dad both for me. So a lot your parents.....
Kinjal Kakadiya
Ajay Mehta
My DAD is no more. I realized his worth after he was gone. My request to all, treat your parents with love, respect and dignity while they are around. After they are gone, remembering for all the good things they did, them makes no sense.
Parents are the best gift from God. This gift is such a gift which cannot be replaced with any other thing existing in this world. They are backbone of every child. They are like shadow to every child on every step they take.
For me dad has always been very special as I being the elder daughter and it makes me feel so proud of being my Father’s daughter who is with me whenever I am in need of him and expect the same in future and I am sure he will be there. He is my Idol.
Thanks for this beautiful post.
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